Friday, December 13, 2024

Clayton Citizen Challenges Misinformation in the Local Newspaper

Shared Correspondence from the Community: We value the diverse perspectives of our readers and aim to encourage meaningful conversations. Occasionally, we may share excerpts from correspondence received from our followers or gathered from social media to promote civil discussions. While we may not always agree with the opinions shared, we believe in facilitating a platform for respectful debates. Thank you for contributing to the ongoing conversation in the comments section. Remember to keep your comments respectful and concise.


Dear Clayton Community,

Is the Clayton Pioneer exhibiting bias? Is Tamara Steiner attempting to create controversy where it may not exist?

In her most recent print edition, reporter Peggy Spear inaccurately asserted that Holly Tillman was merely 10 votes away from taking the top spot. However, the county election office has a different perspective, revealing that Rich Enea actually led by 156 votes. Why would Tamara allow Peggy to disseminate such a clear inaccuracy? If her goal is to provoke a response from Holly’s supporters regarding the mayoral rotation, this sensationalism certainly aligns with her intentions.

Historically, Tamara has published numerous articles that criticize candidates she does not support. In 2018, she publicly endorsed her favored candidates through her publication, and in 2020, she found multiple letters to the editor that disparaged those she opposed, which she subsequently published.

Peggy Spear's reporting raises concerns about her competence; she prematurely announced the election results on election night, even though thousands of ballots were still being counted. In 2022, Peggy authored a negative article about Jeff Wan and Kim Trupiano, who ultimately won, while citing one of the candidates she supported who did not succeed.

Journalists are tasked with presenting facts while maintaining a clear distinction between their personal beliefs and their professional responsibilities. Tamara longs for a return to previous leadership, where her allies held positions of power and her preferred CBCA received financial advantages funded by taxpayers. It is evident that following her and her allies' loss of influence within the city council, she has adopted a negative stance towards the city, attempting to undermine it at every opportunity in hopes of regaining the authority she once enjoyed.

She endorses Bill Jordan's controversial apartment complex in the downtown area and appears to dismiss residents as misinformed for wanting to maintain the town's character rather than transforming it into a city akin to San Francisco. Furthermore, she continues to assert that the Olivia on Marsh Creek project is intended for 55+ senior housing, which is misleading.

In my opinion, the emergence of Clayton Watch is timely, given the evident biases and subpar reporting from Tamara and her ineffective team, including Peggy Spear.

We encourage you to submit a letter to the editor to hold Tamara Steiner and Peggy Spear responsible for their journalistic standards and to also demand a retraction.

Thank you for your attention,

From a Concerned Citizen

Monday, December 9, 2024

Thank You to the Community - From Rich Enea, and Jim Diaz

Here’s the latest scoop! Big thanks to the community from Rich Enea, and Jim Diaz. We’re still waiting to hear from Holly Tillman. 

After a local election, it’s pretty standard for elected officials to introduce themselves and express their gratitude to the community. 

Below, you’ll find two letters—one from Rich Enea and another from Jim Diaz—that were sent to Clayton Watch. 

Just a reminder, the next council meeting is on Tuesday, December 17 at 7 PM. We hope to see you there! The council will be getting a makeover, and a new mayor will be appointed.

Thank you Clayton Residents:

Thank you for your vote of confidence. I look forward to working with the residents of Clayton on priorities such as public safety, financial stability and our beautiful parks.

Feel free to contact me with any of your concerns, ideas or questions at 707-218-5757.


Richard Enea
Clayton City Council member

Clayton Residents:

Thank you for your continued confidence and support in my Re-Election to represent you on the Clayton City Council for another term.

Positioning Clayton for Success!

My top priority remains to ensure Public Safety for all of Clayton, and to continue to work hard to maintain Clayton’s small town charm and character.

Happy Holidays!

Jim Diaz
Clayton City Council

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Maria Shulman Delivers a Heart-Felt Concession to the Clayton Community

Facing a competitive field and a tight race at every turn, Maria Shulman has officially conceded her campaign for a position on the Clayton City Council. She was short by 52 votes in her attempt to secure one of the three available seats.

The 2024 election will be notable, as voter turnout from the Clayton community was highest among all cities in Contra Costa County, with a participation rate of 83.95% of the 8,638 registered voters.

Clayton Watch extends its gratitude to Maria for her commitment to serving our community. Based on our conversations with her, we are confident that she will pursue another opportunity in the future.

Additionally, Clayton Watch would like to express appreciation to all the volunteers who dedicated countless hours to writing articles, editing videos, and preparing content for publication. 

The Clayton Watch Team will continue to monitor future council meetings and report on important community events. If you would like to join the team, contact us.

Maria's full written concession is included below.

From Maria Shulman

Congratulations to Rich Enea, Holly Tillman, and Jim Diaz. I sincerely hope the Clayton City Council's tenor will be cooperative and beneficial for all residents.

I want to express my sincerest gratitude to everyone who supported my candidacy for Clayton City Council. I am humbled and thankful for my campaign's support, guidance, volunteers, and contributions. The community's belief in me is fantastic, and although I didn’t make it on council this time, rest assured that I will continue to be present in the community through volunteer opportunities as Chair of the Planning Commission, your neighbor, and your friend. 

The residents of Clayton and surrounding areas, family, and friends from afar are exceptional heroes, never ceasing on encouragement and advice. I could not have asked for a better group of people for support. I would have never made it this far without all of you!

With gratitude and humility,

Maria Shulman

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

General Election Results - Final!

Contra Costa County General Election
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Official Results - Final!

The last update from Contra Costa County came out at 1:59 PM on Monday, December 2, 2024, instead of the expected 2:00 PM December 3rd date. (Refer to the details below.)

Congratulations to Rich Enea, Holly Tillman, and Jim Diaz! A big shoutout to Maria Shulman for her impressive showing in her first bid for a seat on our City Council. We look forward to seeing everyone at the upcoming City Council meeting on Tuesday, December 17th at 7:00 p.m.

With the elections behind us, it's time for the Clayton City Council to roll up its sleeves, focus on city matters, and leave the divisiveness behind.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Counting One Ballot at a Time

Election Update
The most recent update from Contra Costa County was released at 3:57 PM on Wednesday, November 27, 2024. (See below.)

The overall net gain of 73 votes was distributed as follows: Enea +16, Tillman +18, Diaz +20, and Shulman +19. 

With 83.95% of the votes counted, it seems the county is getting down to the bottom of the barrel. (See below.)

We'll keep you updated with the latest results from the county as they come in. The next update is anticipated on Tuesady, December 3rd.

Just a quick update: If you were looking forward to the City Council Meeting on December 3rd, please note that it has been cancelled. The next meeting will take place on Tuesday, December 17th at 7:00 PM.