Friday, November 4, 2022

Letter to City Council - Disingenuous Peter Cloven

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Dear City Council:

I don't know Peter Cloven personally but to me it feels disingenuous to accept the Vice Mayor role without ever casting as much as one vote on any issue as a member of the Council.

Peter Cloven
It is obvious to me after watching the end of the council meeting when Wolfe took over as Mayor he has no clue on how to run a meeting. Also, the "Council Guidelines and Procedures" written by the council many years ago states: " Election to Vice Mayor and Mayor requires supporting votes of three (3) Council Members, but in the interest of harmony unanimous consensus is to be sought and encouraged." It also states: "The Vice Mayor is generally expected to ascend to Mayor." Of course if the Vice Mayor does something against the law he would not be elevated to Mayor. The only thing that Jeff Wan did was to put the best interest of the community above his personal desire to become Mayor. Pretty Honorable. Cannot say that about Carl Wolfe and Peter Cloven. I believe they missed the part about creating harmony.

Looks like devious politics have infiltrated even the smallest of our communities.


Clayton Resident

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