Showing posts with label By Clayton Watch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label By Clayton Watch. Show all posts

Friday, February 7, 2025

Councilmember Holly Tillman Confronts Reality, Along with Her Ally

After fifteen months of political theatrics, the saga of Leticia “Holly” Tillman’s claims finally appears to be winding down.

When Mayor Trupiano assumed her role, she reached out to Councilmember Tillman to discuss her previous requests for an investigation into fellow council members and staff turnover.

For months, Tillman and her associate, Tamara Steiner (owner of the Clayton Pioneer), had been circulating damaging misinformation to the public, even going so far as to suggest Clayton was a city in decline.

At the January 21st city council meeting, Mayor Trupiano mentioned she had sent an email to Councilmember Tillman seeking to meet and discuss her ongoing request regarding staff harassment and turnover. Tillman responded with evasive language and attempted to explain why she had not replied, before the meeting moved on.

During the February 4th council meeting, Mayor Trupiano reported that a meeting had finally been scheduled between herself, Tillman, City Manager Kris Louftus, and City Attorney Mala Sagramanian on January 28th.

The outcome of that meeting was unsurprising. It was determined that no investigation would take place, as we all knew there were no valid complaints from current or former staff that would warrant such an inquiry. This includes the infamous statement made by Tamara Steiner in the Clayton Pioneer in relation to a grand jury investigation.

Had any legitimate staff complaints existed, Tillman would have had no role in addressing them—such matters fall under the purview of Human Resources, not the city council.

As Clayton Watch has consistently pointed out over the years, the turnover in city staff stemmed from one primary issue: poor leadership and mismanagement by previous city managers, Brett Prebula and Reina Schwartz. Their inadequate leadership and management styles caused the turmoil at City Hall, not the actions of certain council members or public inquiries.

The political drama instigated by Tillman and her radical agenda has been the true source of division. In 2020, she accused Clayton of being a racist city where police engaged in profiling, citizens allegedly feared for their safety, and Clayton was a Sun Down Town. 

When things didn’t unfold as she hoped, Tillman set out to stir up more conflict within the council and among city staff. On several occasions, she claimed the previous city managers and staff were being harassed by the public due to Public Information Requests (PIRs).

However, PIRs related to projects like Olivia on Marsh Creek, payroll, and budget-related matters could have been easily avoided had the city’s previous city managers addressed these concerns proactively and provided the information the community requested. Their failure to do so resulted in unnecessary burdens on city staff, who felt overwhelmed and unsupported by the community and council. Once their lack of leadership became apparent, both city managers resigned.

With Tillman’s accusations now disproven and her political theater exposed, it’s time for this chapter to close. The council can now refocus on serving the people of Clayton.

Given the significant discord and unprofessional conduct displayed by certain council members, the city council approved a measure at the February 4th meeting to establish an ad hoc committee for good governance training for both council members and staff. Details of future training sessions will be announced soon.

We are calling for Tamara Steiner and the Clayton Pioneer to issue a formal retraction and apology to the people of Clayton, the City Council, and neighboring cities for spreading misleading information. Additionally, it would be appreciated if Tillman would issue an apology at the next city council meeting, though we’re not holding our breath.

Let’s look ahead and work together to heal the divisions in our community. With a renewed focus, Clayton can move forward as the best little city in Contra Costa County—one that we all care deeply about. Enough is enough.


Gary Hood
Clayton Resident

Monday, February 3, 2025

A Meeting Was Held With Clayton’s City Manager 1-30-25

The following letter was sent to City Manager Kris Lofthus and shared with all council members. We wanted to express our gratitude for his willingness to meet with us on Thursday, January 30th, despite his busy schedule. We truly appreciate the time he spent with us.


Dear Kris,

We wanted to take a moment to express our sincere appreciation for the opportunity to meet with you recently. It was truly a pleasure to have an open and constructive conversation about the city’s future. Your professionalism, insight, and positive approach were a breath of fresh air. It was clear from our discussion that you not only understand the pressing needs of Clayton but also the budget constraints and political nuances that shape the work being done.

In contrast to the challenges we’ve faced with previous leadership, it is incredibly refreshing to see someone who genuinely understands the importance of stable, effective management. The turnover in city staff, particularly in light of poor leadership and mismanagement under the previous city managers, has been an ongoing concern for many of us. The lack of direction and accountability left a significant void, which impacted morale and hindered the city’s progress.

With your leadership, we have no doubt that Clayton will regain its footing and benefit from a more cohesive, forward-thinking approach. It’s clear that you are committed to both restoring trust and fostering an environment where staff can thrive. We are excited about the prospect of continuing to work together and supporting you in the efforts to strengthen the city.

Clayton is truly lucky to have you at the helm, and we look forward to our continued collaboration. Please do not hesitate to reach out if there is anything we can do to assist in the important work ahead.

Thank you once again for your time and leadership. We are optimistic about the future and excited for the positive change you will undoubtedly bring.


Gary Hood and Bill Walcutt
Clayton Watch

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Two Officers From Clayton's Finest Save Local Resident

It is well-recognized that police officers often come to the aid of citizens during emergencies such as flash floods, fires, and other critical situations. Recently, it was their dedicated actions and exceptional commitment to community service that made a life-saving difference.

During the city council meeting on Tuesday night, Officer Wiggins and Sergeant Enea were honored with a certificate of recognition for their life-saving efforts. The award presentation was conducted by our interim Police Chief, Don Mort, who shared the following remarks.

“It’s a pleasure to be back in front of you again tonight. Seems like it was just yesterday, but as I said two weeks ago, we’ve got an exceptional department and this makes me proud to be here tonight to award two of them for a life-saving effort that they did back on Sunday, January 5th. It’s rare that we get these opportunities. It’s stellar work on their part and truly showed what it is to preserve life and property here in the city.”

“On January 5th at approximately 12:45 in the afternoon, the two officers, Officer Wiggins and Sergeant Enea responded to a medical call on Clayton Road and Mitchell Canyon Road. The husband of the female driver reported that his wife had stopped breathing, and on arrival, Officer Wiggins located the female driver and found in fact she wasn’t breathing and didn’t have a pulse. Sergeant Enea arrived shortly thereafter and the two of them removed her from the car and started medical treatment with CPR compressions to try to get the driver back to life.”

“They arrive prior to Consolidated Fire. That’s how quick they were on the scene. Consolidated Fire eventually came and they were able to take over the CPR efforts and revive the woman and able to get a pulse back. Consolidated Fire made comments afterward, that certainly if it wasn’t for the officers doing what they did, good likelihood this woman would not have been alive today. Two days after the event Sergeant Enea followed up and the woman was alive. She didn’t recall the details; she was still at John Muir Hospital and the prognosis was good and was going to continue her life.”

“It’s a great pleasure that I bring this to your attention tonight. I think the two of them are exceptional people. I think they did a fantastic job and it makes me proud to be honored to give them a Certificate of Appreciation for what they did that day.”

Clayton Watch and the Clayton Community extends our heartfelt gratitude to the Clayton Police for their exceptional service and dedication to ensuring the safety of our community. Once the Certificates of Recognition are ready at City Hall, we will share them with our audience for everyone to view.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Clayton Watch Responds to Tamara Steiner's Email - Editor and Publisher of the Clayton Pioneer


Thank you for your recent correspondence concerning the inaccuracies you published in the Clayton Pioneer regarding the City Council election. We acknowledge your retraction; however, we find your response somewhat delayed and unclear.

We did see your retraction on your online edition, and we would respectfully request you also place your retraction on the front page of your next paper edition. Posting your retraction only in the online edition and on Facebook seems a bit dubious in how it was explained.

Regarding your request, we will not be posting a retraction for you in the Clayton Watch comment section. Should you wish to address the inaccuracies in your latest article, we encourage you to submit your comment directly on the Clayton Watch website. That’s your responsibility, not ours. Your submission will be reviewed before publication.

You mentioned that the error in vote counting was your oversight and not that of Peggy Spears. Does this imply that Peggy Spears did not author the editorial featured on the front page of your publication and that you are writing on her behalf? Are all editorials attributed to Peggy Spears in the Clayton Pioneer written by you? No matter what the answer, you failed to proofread the story for accuracy before it was published. This seems to be an ongoing excuse from what we have been told, and it raises serious ethical concerns.

With all due respect, your publication needs to enhance its standards and refrain from disseminating divisive and biased misinformation. Your publication is consistently contributing to the division within the community, and the bias is increasingly evident.

For instance, the letter to the editor on the front page of the Clayton Pioneer dated October 25, titled “Local Officials Endorse Holly Tillman for Clayton City Council,” not only raises ethical questions—but also contravenes your policy of a 175-word maximum for letters to the editor. Moreover, the other three candidates for the Clayton City Council were not afforded equal opportunity for front-page exposure in your online publication, which lacked any word count limit.

Furthermore, Peggy Spears (or her ghostwriter) has a track record of publishing negative articles about council members Wan, Trupiano, and Diaz. For example, she asserts in her article that previous votes of the city council were predominantly 3-2, a claim we have confirmed to be factually inaccurate through our analysis of the voting records from recent years.

Earlier this year, your article calling for grand jury investigations and claiming that Clayton is in decline has inadvertently harmed the very businesses that support your publication. We know of real estate deals that fell through due to the fallout from that article. You know as well as we do, there is zero evidence that any of your comments are remotely true.

A clear instance of misinformation from the Clayton Pioneer occurred when you disseminated incorrect and deceptive details regarding the city's budget deficit, asserting it would amount to $629,000, contrary to the $109,000 stated in the City Staff Report. You collaborated with the former city manager and three council members—Peter Cloven, Holly Tillman, and C.W. Wolfe—who were attempting to garner support for a new $400 per year parcel tax, while promoting inaccurate figures.

It would be more beneficial for you to focus on factual reporting rather than attempting to skew the news in favor of certain political figures. In our view, prioritizing objective news coverage over creating narratives would serve the community much better.

On September 9th, you shared your thoughts on Nextdoor regarding your code of ethics, emphasizing the importance of accuracy and fairness. However, it seems you frequently target those in political office whom you oppose. It shouldn't be necessary for us to highlight this bias to the Clayton community, yet for many years, it has been evident, particularly around election season.

In summary, the rift within our community primarily centers on power dynamics; however, the city is currently working towards achieving effective governance that is independent of external pressures. This may be difficult for you to accept, but it is the current reality. It’s time for you to adapt and report accurately.

Just so you know, Clayton Watch is here to stay, and we are actively seeking additional ways to keep the Clayton community informed and will do so regularly as needed.

Wishing you a wonderful week,

The Clayton Watch Team

P.S. For transparency, your email and this response will be published on Clayton Watch and other social media platforms.

Monday, December 9, 2024

Thank You to the Community - From Rich Enea, and Jim Diaz

Here’s the latest scoop! Big thanks to the community from Rich Enea, and Jim Diaz. We’re still waiting to hear from Holly Tillman. 

After a local election, it’s pretty standard for elected officials to introduce themselves and express their gratitude to the community. 

Below, you’ll find two letters—one from Rich Enea and another from Jim Diaz—that were sent to Clayton Watch. 

Just a reminder, the next council meeting is on Tuesday, December 17 at 7 PM. We hope to see you there! The council will be getting a makeover, and a new mayor will be appointed.

Thank you Clayton Residents:

Thank you for your vote of confidence. I look forward to working with the residents of Clayton on priorities such as public safety, financial stability and our beautiful parks.

Feel free to contact me with any of your concerns, ideas or questions at 707-218-5757.


Richard Enea
Clayton City Council member

Clayton Residents:

Thank you for your continued confidence and support in my Re-Election to represent you on the Clayton City Council for another term.

Positioning Clayton for Success!

My top priority remains to ensure Public Safety for all of Clayton, and to continue to work hard to maintain Clayton’s small town charm and character.

Happy Holidays!

Jim Diaz
Clayton City Council

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Maria Shulman Delivers a Heart-Felt Concession to the Clayton Community

Facing a competitive field and a tight race at every turn, Maria Shulman has officially conceded her campaign for a position on the Clayton City Council. She was short by 52 votes in her attempt to secure one of the three available seats.

The 2024 election will be notable, as voter turnout from the Clayton community was highest among all cities in Contra Costa County, with a participation rate of 83.95% of the 8,638 registered voters.

Clayton Watch extends its gratitude to Maria for her commitment to serving our community. Based on our conversations with her, we are confident that she will pursue another opportunity in the future.

Additionally, Clayton Watch would like to express appreciation to all the volunteers who dedicated countless hours to writing articles, editing videos, and preparing content for publication. 

The Clayton Watch Team will continue to monitor future council meetings and report on important community events. If you would like to join the team, contact us.

Maria's full written concession is included below.

From Maria Shulman

Congratulations to Rich Enea, Holly Tillman, and Jim Diaz. I sincerely hope the Clayton City Council's tenor will be cooperative and beneficial for all residents.

I want to express my sincerest gratitude to everyone who supported my candidacy for Clayton City Council. I am humbled and thankful for my campaign's support, guidance, volunteers, and contributions. The community's belief in me is fantastic, and although I didn’t make it on council this time, rest assured that I will continue to be present in the community through volunteer opportunities as Chair of the Planning Commission, your neighbor, and your friend. 

The residents of Clayton and surrounding areas, family, and friends from afar are exceptional heroes, never ceasing on encouragement and advice. I could not have asked for a better group of people for support. I would have never made it this far without all of you!

With gratitude and humility,

Maria Shulman

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

General Election Results - Final!

Contra Costa County General Election
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Official Results - Final!

The last update from Contra Costa County came out at 1:59 PM on Monday, December 2, 2024, instead of the expected 2:00 PM December 3rd date. (Refer to the details below.)

Congratulations to Rich Enea, Holly Tillman, and Jim Diaz! A big shoutout to Maria Shulman for her impressive showing in her first bid for a seat on our City Council. We look forward to seeing everyone at the upcoming City Council meeting on Tuesday, December 17th at 7:00 p.m.

With the elections behind us, it's time for the Clayton City Council to roll up its sleeves, focus on city matters, and leave the divisiveness behind.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Counting One Ballot at a Time

Election Update
The most recent update from Contra Costa County was released at 3:57 PM on Wednesday, November 27, 2024. (See below.)

The overall net gain of 73 votes was distributed as follows: Enea +16, Tillman +18, Diaz +20, and Shulman +19. 

With 83.95% of the votes counted, it seems the county is getting down to the bottom of the barrel. (See below.)

We'll keep you updated with the latest results from the county as they come in. The next update is anticipated on Tuesady, December 3rd.

Just a quick update: If you were looking forward to the City Council Meeting on December 3rd, please note that it has been cancelled. The next meeting will take place on Tuesday, December 17th at 7:00 PM.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Breaking News! – Clayton Chief of Police Richard McEachin is Moving On!

News Release 
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Thursday, November 21, 2024

Contact: Janell Martin, Assistant City Clerk (209) 357-6241

City of Atwater Announces the Expected Appointment of Police Chief

Chief of Police Richard McEachin
Atwater, CA - The City of Atwater is pleased to announce the expected appointment of Richard McEachin as the city's next Police Chief. The City Council will consider and vote on his appointment at its next regular City Council meeting on Monday, December 9, 2024. McEachin's tentative start date is Thursday, December 19, 2024.

Chief McEachin brings considerable experience to the role, having served as the Police Chief for the City of Dos Palos from January 2018 to November 2022 and the City of Clayton from November 2022 to the present. Chief McEachin has been in law enforcement since 2004, following in his father's footsteps.

Chief McEachin holds a bachelors degree and masters degree in criminal justice from California Coast University in Santa Ana. He attended and graduated from the Napa Valley Police Academy in 2003.

City Manager Chris Hoem expressed his enthusiasm for the anticipated appointment. saying. "Chief McEachin is an outstanding leader with the vision and experience to build strong community connections and ensure public safety. I'm confident in his ability to uphold our city's values while addressing the challenges of modem policing."

Chief McEachin grew up in the Bay Area and has called the Central Valley home since he was appointed Chief in Dos Palos in 2018. He commented on moving forward with the City of Atwater, saying, "It is truly an honor to be selected as the next Police Chief of the City of Atwater. Atwater is an outstanding community, and I look forward to working with the residents, businesses, visitors, and staff to continue to move forward in a positive direction. I would like to thank City Manager Chris Hoem and the Atwater City Council for putting their trust in me, and I am excited for this opportunity."

Friday, November 22, 2024

Election Update
The most recent update from Contra Costa County was released at 2:29 PM on Friday, November 22, 2024. (See below.)

The overall net gain of 93 votes was distributed as follows: Enea +41, Tillman +48, Diaz +51, and Shulman +53. 

With 83.50% of the votes counted, it seems there might still be a handful of votes left to tally. (See below.) 

Clayton has every reason to feel proud, as it currently boasts the highest turnout in Contra Costa County.

We'll keep you updated with the latest results from the county as they come in. The next update is anticipated on Wednesday, November 27th.

While you wait, we encourage you to check out our wide range of articles. You can use the “Search Queries” feature on the right to find a specific keyword or topic that interests you.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Good Day, Clayton Community Readers!

We've Assembled some of the most share-worth stories from the area. 
The most recent election update from Contra Costa County was released at 3:04 PM on Friday, November 15, 2024. (See below.)
There is still a possibility that the results are not final. Historically, voter turnout in Clayton has been remarkable. At present, with 82.09% of the votes counted, it seems there are additional ballots yet to be processed. We will keep you updated with the most recent results from the county as they are released, likely by next week. Please note that California State law mandates that elections must be certified within 30 days following election day.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

C.C. County Election Update
The most recent update from Contra Costa County was released at 4:00 PM on Wednesday, November 13, 2024. (See below.)

Traditionally, Clayton experiences a voter turnout ranging from 80% to 87% during elections. Currently, with 81.94% of the votes tallied, it appears there are still approximately 200 to 300 votes left to be counted.  We will continue to provide you with the latest results from the county as they become available. Next update is expected Friday, November 15th.

In the meantime, we invite you to explore our extensive collection of articles. Utilize the “Search Queries” feature on the right to enter a keyword or phrase of interest.

Friday, November 8, 2024

Breaking News: C.C. County
Reports Thousands of Ballots Awaiting Count!
Given the tight competition for three seats on the Clayton City Council, we will refrain from discussing the election results until we have more information.

The most recent update from Contra Costa County was released at 4:00 PM today.  (See below.)

Traditionally, Clayton experiences a voter turnout ranging from 80% to 87% during elections.  Currently, with only 73% of the votes tallied, it appears there are still approximately 800 to 1200 votes left to be counted according to today’s report.  We’ll continue to provide you with the latest results from the county.  The next update is anticipated next Wednesday.  Wishing you a fantastic weekend! And remember to honor Veterans Day on Monday, November 11th.

In the meantime, we invite you to explore our extensive collection of articles. Utilize the “Search Queries” feature on the right to enter a keyword or phrase of interest.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Top Story of the Week!    

Toby the Watchdog
Concerns Mount Over Holly Tillman's Truthfulness as Election Day Approaches! (Video 8 Released.)

On social media Holly states that Clayton Watch is lying about her not voting for the budget two years in a row. However, a recently released video tells a different story.

Who is the Real Holly Tillman? 

Holly Tillman in 2020 - Who is the Real Holly in 2024?

Take a moment to view the videos below and decide for yourself whether she deserves another term in office. We think not!

To view the Stunning Four-Color Postcard mailed to all registered voters this past week, click here.

V I D E O  8   (Just Released)
Holly's Mis-Information and Lies About Her Voting Record! 

Click to Play
In this video, you will observe Holly's decision to abstain from voting on the annual budget, as mandated by law. On two separate occasions: once in 2023 and again in 2024 her actions suggest a concerning disregard for state law and one of her core council duties. Her assertion on social media that this is a falsehood propagated by Clayton Watch is, in fact, a lie. 

Video Length = 152 seconds.

Click to Play
In this video you will see Holly Tillman make false statements about the town being racist and so much more. 

Video Length = 71 seconds.

V I D E O  2

In this video you will see Holly Tillman demonstrate her divisive, contentious, polarizing and disruptive personality. 

Video Length = 23 seconds.

V I D E O  3

Click to Play
In this video you will see 
Holly Tillman try and force a conversation with the full council about why nobody likes her and claims that the council must bridge the divide before they can move forward. 

Video Length = 37 seconds.

V I D E O  4

Click to Play
This video is unbelievable. At city council meeting, Holly Tillman accuses council member Kim Trupiano's husband of saying the city's new fee schedule is a done deal. 

Video Length = 83 seconds. 

V I D E O  5

Get ready for 13 minutes of unfiltered chaos with Holly Tillman. Watch her engage in filibusters, heated debates, and attacks on council members while disrespecting Mayor Jeff Wan. Captivating and intense. 

Video Length = 13 minutes.

V I D E O  6

In this video, Holly Tillman takes aim at the consultant regarding the special event fees. She confronts him and Mayor Jeff Wan with harsh accusations, suggesting they are in cahoots over the fee structure. 

Video Length = 35 seconds.

V I D E O  7

Click to Play
Relax and take it all in. We were all curious about who brought these protesters to our quaint town, and now we have some clarity. In this video, Holly Tillman reveals her role in the downtown protests.

Video Length = 32 seconds.

To view the Stunning Four-Color Postcard mailed to all registered voters this past week, click here. 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

The Political Mailer “Featuring Holly Tillman” Has Arrived!

By Clayton Watch

We are pleased to announce some important news for the Clayton community. The Post Office has confirmed that the political mailer created by our consultants and supporters at Clayton Watch will soon be arriving in your mailbox.

This 6x11, double-sided postcard contains factual information supported by substantial evidence regarding Holly Tillman’s actions and statements over the past three and a half years. The content you will see and read reflects her own words.

After reviewing the postcard (both front and back), click here to see several videos featuring Holly in action

Many residents have expressed concerns about the divisions within our community, and the situation is indeed complex. However, the past actions of council members Holly Tillman and Peter Cloven are crucial to understanding the context. Peter opted not to seek reelection, fully aware that his lack of leadership and divisive behavior would come to light. The self-styled Mr. Nice Guy spent more time creating "Who I Am" videos than addressing the pressing issues facing our town.

It is time for the community to move on from Holly Tillman and free our city from her disruptive and polarizing conduct.

We must allow our city council and staff to focus on their work and let Clayton remain the safe and welcoming small town it has always been.

Warm regards,

The Clayton Watch Team

P.S. Please remember to cast your vote on or before Tuesday, November 5th.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Mount Diablo State Park Receives $2.6 Million for New Education Center

By Clayton Watch

The Mount Diablo Interpretive Association (MDIA) has secured a significant boost for its educational efforts at Mount Diablo State Park. The California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) has awarded a $2.6 million grant to support the construction of the Mitchell Canyon Education Center.

Grant Approved
The new facility will replace an outdated trailer, providing a modern and accessible space for visitors and students. It will offer expanded educational programs, including nature walks, workshops, and exhibits, enhancing the overall park experience.

The project has garnered widespread support from the community, with contributions from local organizations, foundations, and elected officials. Assemblymember Rebecca Bauer-Kahan secured a $1 million state allocation to help fund the center, recognizing its importance for serving the region's schools.

Construction is expected to begin in late 2025, bringing a much-needed upgrade to Mount Diablo State Park's educational infrastructure.

We appreciate you for reading this article.


Please support our cause with a small donation today!

California Scoops Up $95 Million for 15 Neighborhood Parks

By Clayton Watch

California just got a major cash infusion for some much-needed park upgrades! The state snagged a whopping $95 million in federal grants to spruce up 15 neighborhood parks. This is a big win for underserved communities that haven't had easy access to green spaces.
Mt. Diablo Summit

The money will go towards creating or renovating parks in areas where residents currently have limited outdoor recreation options. It's part of Governor Gavin Newsom's Outdoors for All initiative, which aims to make parks more accessible to everyone.

This investment is a major step towards addressing disparities in outdoor recreation opportunities. It's great news for anyone who wants to enjoy the benefits of nature, like fresh air, exercise, and a little peace and quiet.

We appreciate you for reading this article.


Please support our cause with a small donation today!

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Answers to Candidate Questionnaire

By Clayton Watch

Dear Clayton Community,

The Clayton Watch Team is thrilled to share with you the answers to the Candidate Questionnaire that was sent out to four candidates vying for three spots on the city council this year: Rich Enea Sr, Maria Shulman, Mayor Jim Diaz, and council member Holly Tillman.

Recognizing the challenges and costs candidates face in reaching voters in Clayton, the Clayton Watch Team has stepped in to assist by providing a platform for them to share their answers to important campaign questions submitted by the community.

We reached out to each candidate via email inviting them to participate in our Candidate Questionnnaire. (The letter has been provided below for your review.)

Three candidates took the opportunity to respond: Rich Enea Sr, Maria Shulman, and Mayor Jim Diaz. Unfortunately, Councilmember Holly Tillman sent us a message that she would not be participating.

You can access their candidate questionnaires and responses by clicking here.

Currently, Clayton Watch is averaging 1,200 views a day and growing.

Thank you for your support!


August 26, 2024

Dear Clayton City Council Candidate,

On behalf of a partnership between Clayton Watch and the community, we extend an invitation for you to engage in our City Council Candidate Questionnaire, as well as a potential live Candidates Forum planned for late September. Further details regarding the live forum will be provided at a later date.

In the meantime, we would greatly appreciate your participation in our Candidate Questionnaire, which involves responding to five significant questions posed by the community. (See attached)

Kindly email your completed questionnaire to by Saturday, August 31st, at 4:00 p.m. Your responses will be publicly accessible through various local media outlets, including

Should you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at If you prefer a phone call instead of an email response, please provide your contact information and indicate the most convenient time for us to call.

Thank you in advance for your participation,

Clayton Watch
Political Action Committee
FPPC ID #1471612

Attachment: Candidate Questionnaire.docx. This is a fillable Microsoft Word document. Upon completing the questions, please save this form and submit it to by Saturday, August 31st, at 4:00 p.m.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Hello Clayton! It's That Time Again—City Council Elections Are Here!

By Clayton Watch

The Clayton Watch Team is thrilled to share that there are four candidates vying for three spots on the city council this year: Rich Enea Sr, Maria Shulman, Councilmember Holly Tillman, and Mayor Jim Diaz.

Recognizing the challenges and costs candidates face in reaching voters in Clayton, the Clayton Watch Team has stepped in to assist by providing a platform for them to share their campaign messages on our website. We reached out to each candidate via email to request their statements for posting. 

Three candidates took the opportunity to respond: Rich Enea Sr, Maria Shulman, and Mayor Jim Diaz. Unfortunately, Councilmember Holly Tillman was a no show. 

To read their candidate statements, click here.

We appreciate you for reading this article.


Please support our cause with a small donation today!

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Fourth Clayton Post Office Update - Things Are Improving - Thanks to Mayor Diaz!

By Clayton Watch

We received another update from Mayor Diaz yesterday on the Clayton Post Office. He continues to work with Acting Post Master, Jim Mahan, to address all the deferred maintenance issues that have been ongoing for years.

Here is a partial list:

1. The weeds have been removed.
2. The building and sidewalks have been pressure washed.
3. The floor inside the post office has been cleaned.
4. The parking lot that is used for postal vehicles has been resurfaced and re-striped.
5. The building is being painted.

Next up:

- the replacement of the bark in the planter boxes.
- hiring a permanent on-site maintenance person next month.

A big think you to Mayor Diaz and Acting Post Master Jim Mahan for their hard work to address all these important issues. Stop by the post office and see for yourself. This is what leadership looks like.

Bill Walcutt

We appreciate you for reading this article.


Please support our cause with a small donation today!