Thursday, March 9, 2023

Clayton Business and Community Association (CBCA) - Agreement Termination

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To the City Council Members,

Mayor Wan should be ashamed of his piss poor handling of the agreement between the City of Clayton and the CBCA, as should Vice Mayor Diaz and Council member Trupiano. To expedite this item to the agenda with a total lack of preparation, factual figures, and a plan shows a total lack of respect to an organization that has supported our community since 1984. The handling of the agreement termination was a total display of ignorance, inexperience and vindictiveness. Again all three of you should hang your head in shame for the shit show you hosted at the last city council meeting.

With that said, I am recalling the agreement that was set to begin on April 1st that I put forth to the city for helping to promote the Concerts in The Grove series. I cannot work with a group of council members that have nothing but their own selfish interests in mind or seek the council of creeps like Frank Gavidia, Bill Walcutt, and Gary Hood (keep pretending that the 3 of you have no connection to them, you’re only fooling your ignorant base that is rapidly shrinking). My agreement is now null and void and I will not provide or share any of my services to help promote the concert series that was also the victim of Vice Mayor Diaz' vindictiveness.

With that said I will continue to serve our community through honorable organizations like the CBCA.


A.J. Chippero

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