Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Letter from Citizen to Dana Ayers on Olivia Vesting

Shared Correspondence from the Community: We value the diverse perspectives of our readers and aim to encourage meaningful conversations. Occasionally, we may share excerpts from correspondence received from our followers or gathered from social media to promote civil discussions. While we may not always agree with the opinions shared, we believe in facilitating a platform for respectful debates. Thank you for contributing to the ongoing conversation in the comments section. Remember to keep your comments respectful and concise.


Hi Dana,

Hey, just wondering did the entitlement for Olivia vest before the March 3, 2023 expiration date?

If it did, what is the evidence that the developer met the conditions of approval? Did the city document it? Can I have something that shows the evidence to satisfy the developer met the condition of approval, specifically, was a building permit issued, and has construction diligently commenced as stated in the resolution?

Has any demolition or groundbreaking activities occurred?

Was a recycling plan submitted and approved, and did the builder make a deposit as required in Planning Conditions #8?

Please get back to me,

Concerned Citizen

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