Monday, March 11, 2024

California Public Records Act - Request for Five-Year Forecast Material

By Clayton Watch

Dear Mayor, City Council, City Manager, and City Attorney,

I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to reach out regarding the Five-Year Financial Forecast for FY 2024-2028 that was recently presented.

My understanding is that when Councilmember Jeff Wan kindly requested to review the supporting materials for this forecast, there was some hesitation from City Manager Bret Prebula to provide the full details. I do not wish to cause any trouble, but I believe having access to these materials is in the best interest of our city's transparent financial planning.

Therefore, I am making a friendly request under the California Public Records Act for:

1. All worksheets, projections, analysis, and related correspondence used to create the Five-Year Forecast presentation. This would include any emails, memos, letters, etc. among city staff, council members, and consultants pertaining to the forecast.

2. Invoices and receipts for any consulting or other costs associated with preparing the forecast.

I know there may be some time and costs involved with gathering these records, so please let me know if fees would exceed $100. I would be grateful if these could be waived, as releasing this information contributes to public knowledge about our city's budget planning.

I understand the law requires a response within 10 days. If for any reason you are unable to fulfill all or part of the request, please cite the specific legal exemption and let me know the options for appeal.

I appreciate you taking the time to consider this friendly request. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I look forward to hearing from you.


Gary Hood

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