Friday, April 5, 2024

The Debate Over New Taxes in Clayton Should Begin with Facts, Not Fantasies or a Wish List

By Clayton Watch

Some Clayton residents may urge that sales or parcel taxes be placed on the ballot, but this debate should start with facts, not rumors or wishful thinking.

We need justification before asking citizens for more money, not cries that "the city is broke."

Recent history under Mayor Peter Cloven shows city finances were unbalanced for months in 2022. The checkbook hadn't been balanced in months, and he proposed a $400 annual parcel tax on every property owner in town.

First, let's closely examine reserves. Why were they so high? Did we receive the services we paid for? If not, why not? Answers are needed. (I sent a letter to the City Council on March 19th that is attached, but I am still awaiting their response.)

Second, an independent group should review all income and expenses to give us a clear financial picture. A three-member Community Financial Sustainability Subcommittee is apparently being formed, hopefully, to shed light on the truth.

As the saying goes, "If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step just gets us to the wrong place faster." That describes Clayton “to a T” in my opinion.

Before any tax increases, we need transparency, accountability, and factual justification. Wise stewardship of public funds requires careful examination, not knee-jerk reactions or unsubstantiated claims. Let us buckle up and do our homework before placing any tax increase before the voters.

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