Tuesday, May 21, 2024

City Council Meeting Summary 5-21-24

City Council Correspondence: The excerpts below have been sourced from the website of council member Jeff Wan to share with the Clayton Watch Community. You can access council member Wan's website by following this link: https://www.jeffwanforclaytoncitycouncil.net

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By Jeff Wan, Clayton City Councilmember

On Tuesday the Council met to discuss a couple of significant items:

- We received a presentation from Climatec regarding the work related to energy efficiency and infrastructure.  The presentation detailed progress and timelines on the work to replace streetlights, water valve monitoring, building HVAC systems, solar energy generation, and EV charging.  Overall the process has been going well.  The expectation is that most if not all work is targeted to be completed by the end of 2024.

- We discussed a couple organizational changes within City staff.  Those included upleveling the Accounting Tech position to Accountant, upleveling the City Clerk position to City Clerk / Assistant to the City Manager, and combining the HR Director and Finance Director positions into an Administrative Services Director / Assistant City Manager (ACM) role.  The first two upleveling reflects the work that is being required of those roles.  The combination of the two Director roles recognizes that in small cities there are often overlapping disciplines that can be combined for efficiency.   Having an ACM also provides the opportunity to build a path to succession that didn't previously exist.  The net impact to the budget on an annualized basis for these changes is a savings of approximately $20K.  The vote on this action was 5-0.

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