Tuesday, July 16, 2024

2nd Post Office Update

By Clayton Watch

I received a call from Mayor Dias yesterday with an update on the ongoing post office maintenance issues.

He and City Manager, Adam Politzer, will be working with all parties involved to find a permanent solution so we are not “circling back” with the same maintenance issues every year.

Apparently, Adam has experience dealing with the post office in other cities where he has worked. I gave the Mayor the property owner information and he is being copied on all correspondence from Congressman DeSaulnier’s office. I will keep you posted on the progress.


Bill Walcutt



The landscaping at the post office is finally getting a spring clean up.

I received a progress report on the post office from Mayor Dias yesterday. Here is a recap:

1) Mayor Dias called the property owner and confirmed that the post office is responsible for maintaining the landscaping and the facility.

2) The post office hired a maintenance crew on Monday to start removing all the weeds and cleaning up the unsightly mess. After all the weeds are removed and plants trimmed, they will be putting in new bark--probably next week.

3) Mayor Dias talked to the Acting Post Master, Jim Mahan, and he confirmed they now have a budget to provide ongoing maintenance. Prior to all the community outrage, they had no budget for maintenance. Apparently, Congressman Mark DeSaulnier worked his magic in DC and and secured funding for ongoing maintenance.

4) Acting Post Master, Jim Mahan, has only been in this position for a short time and was trying to do his best without any funding. He said after my letter to Congressman Mark DeSaulnier and all the phone calls and emails from the community the funding was approved.

5) Mayor Dias will be following up on all the other cleaning issues inside the post office with Mr. Mahan. He said Mr. Mahan is enthusiastic about an opportunity to rectify the unsightly conditions at the post office.

A big thank you to all involved and the community members who called and emailed Congressman DeSaulnier. It made a huge difference.


Bill Walcutt

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  1. And to think Peter Cleven wanted to go down and pull the weeds himself. What a waste of time and what a backwards approach.

  2. Thank you Clayton Watch for keeping an eye on our little city.

  3. I love this website.

  4. Thank you Bill for keeping us informed. I think we can all agree the post office looks terrible. Maybe now the city will get busy and get their landscaping in order.


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