Saturday, April 20, 2024

Clayton - Non-Profit - True Colors Shine Through

Shared Correspondence from the Community: We value the diverse perspectives of our readers and aim to encourage meaningful conversations. Occasionally, we may share excerpts from correspondence received from our followers or gathered from social media to promote civil discussions. While we may not always agree with the opinions shared, we believe in facilitating a platform for respectful debates. Thank you for contributing to the ongoing conversation in the comments section. Remember to keep your comments respectful and concise.


Clayton Community:

In my previous post on Next Door, I explained the history behind the growing division in our town, which I believe is important background for this discussion. I would suggest you read it as a prerequisite to this post. It’s long but informative, but a must-read.

Recently at a city council meeting, Vice Mayor Trupiano shared concerning news. She has worked diligently to secure sponsorships for city-sponsored special events and has had great success this year. However, some sponsors told her that members of the Clayton Business and Community Association (CBCA) contacted them, questioned their support of city events, and pressured them to withdraw sponsorship.

This bullying and intimidation tactic is unacceptable and has fueled division in our town. I've included a video of Vice Mayor Trupiano reporting this troubling information at the city council meeting on April 16, 2024.

This divisive behavior from the CBCA must cease immediately for the good of our community.

Concerned Resident

We appreciate you for reading this article.


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  1. The CBCA is too political. Look what they did to council member Kim Trupiano.

  2. I enjoyed your history piece. Now, I have a better understanding of what’s been going on.

  3. The CBCA is filled with bullies who become hateful and vindictive when things do not go their way. I would suggest people steer clear of the CBCA until its entire leadership has changed or been removed like Wolfe, Tillman, Miller, etc. All troublemakers with agendas and none of it good.


Remember to keep your comments respectful and concise.