Sunday, December 22, 2024

Clayton City Council Member "Holly Tillman" Throws a Tantrum and Attacks the Public

Shared Correspondence from the Community: We value the diverse perspectives of our readers and aim to encourage meaningful conversations. Occasionally, we may share excerpts from correspondence received from our followers or gathered from social media to promote civil discussions. While we may not always agree with the opinions shared, we believe in facilitating a platform for respectful debates. Thank you for contributing to the ongoing conversation in the comments section. Remember to keep your comments respectful and concise.


Clayton Community,

Councilmember Tillman totally lost it when Councilmember Jeff Wan got nominated for vice mayor instead of her at the council's annual reorganization meeting on December 17th. She threw a fit and had the audacity to nominate herself. Then, she went on this ridiculous 6-minute rant about how it would be so unfair and divisive if she wasn’t picked for vice mayor, all while she was actually making things worse by attacking, threatening, and making false accusations about residents in the audience. This type of reckless behavior could expose the city to potential litigation.

It seems Holly thought it was a brilliant move to show off her "leadership skills" on camera by trying to shut down anyone who disagrees with her or her so-called progressive agenda. What a joke!

She clearly doesn’t understand that the city council picks the mayor and vice mayor through a majority vote, not just because of #JustHolly. Choosing the mayor and vice mayor is just like any other council decision. You need at least three votes to approve or deny any action, not some dictatorship—#JustHolly. After four years on the council, Holly should have figured this out by now.

Plus, Clayton has never had a council member self-nominate for mayor or vice mayor. You’d think it would be embarrassing for Holly to even try that, but she seems completely blinded by her desperate need for power and the ridiculous belief that she deserves the position. The #JustHolly campaign has clearly taken over any sense of rationality. It’s pretty pathetic.

Every December, the city council, by majority vote, chooses their leadership team for mayor and vice mayor. They pick colleagues who have actually earned their respect, who are team players, and who have shown they can lead the city for the next year. Respect isn’t something you can just demand, it’s earned.

Even if the mayor and vice mayor's roles are mostly ceremonial, there are still some crucial responsibilities and qualities tied to the job.

- The mayor, or the vice mayor if the mayor's not around, runs the city council meetings, sets agendas, and facilitates discussions among council members in an effort to reach consensus on important issues. You should really check out videos #5 and #6 on this site to find out why Holly didn’t get the vice mayor nod.

- The mayor, or the vice mayor when the mayor's busy, prioritizes new policies and important community issues that will be placed on the council agenda for action. Seriously, watch video #2 on this site to see why Holly was passed over for vice mayor.

- The mayor, or the vice mayor if the mayor's not there, has to keep the council meetings on track so they can wrap up each agenda item. Don’t forget to check out video #5 on this site to see why Holly wasn’t nominated for vice mayor.

- The mayor, or the vice mayor in the mayor's absence, handles the preparation and approval of the city's yearly budget. You should watch video #8 on this site to understand why Holly didn’t get the vice mayor position.

- The mayor, or the vice mayor when the mayor's not available, is basically the city's cheerleader at the Mayor's Conference, community events, and other regional gatherings. You really need to see video #1 on this site to get why Holly was not nominated for vice mayor.

In short, just watch all 8 videos on this site to figure out why the council didn’t pick Councilmember Tillman for vice mayor. Honestly, the council made the right call, "Did The Right Thing", by nominating and approving Kim Trupiano for Mayor (5/0 vote) and Jeff Wan for Vice Mayor (4/1 vote). I’m looking forward to another fantastic year with our city's new leadership team.

Bill Walcutt
Past Mayor and Council Member


  1. Replies
    1. Well written, Bill! The only council members who deserve to be Mayor or Vice Mayor are the ones who love and work for the residents of Clayton, not a self-absorbed woman who has her picture taken all over the place but doesn't do the hard work. She bad-mouths Clayton and its council members to anyone who will listen to her nonsense. Another thing is that the city should NOT reimburse Holly for going to Long Beach for a vote. Holly knew at the council meeting that she was going to vote. She wasn't because she was coming home for a funeral. Another apparent incident of a lie Holly has told. When are people going to wake up, or is it because they are afraid she will pull the racist card? She is garbage.

  2. I could hear the violin playing in the background when her husband called in to make a pitch for her to be vice mayor. A simple apology from her about her past actions regarding Jeff Wan, and our city NOT being racist would’ve gone a long way.

  3. Excellent! We need to start a recall campaign against Holly. It’s clear everything is about her and not our town. Let’s get another council member who cares more about our community.

  4. Plain and straightforward, Holly is a narcissist. She uses the narcissist handbook of denying, gas light, blaming others, playing victim, and attacking when she doesn't t get her way. Incredibly, the people who defend her reprehensible behavior say she is a good person. They need to open their eyes to what she is doing and stop feeding on her bull crap!

  5. While I don't like the "progressive agenda" wording used as a negative, I applaud Clayton Watch for addressing Holly's bad behavior at our council meeting. In the previous meeting she accused Mayor Diaz of assaulting her. How she could have been put back into office is baffling.

    1. I believe it is inaccurate to describe Holly's behavior as "progressive." In my opinion, her actions lean much more toward conservatism. Observing her political conduct and her ability to collaborate with fellow council members has been both eye-opening and alarming. Numerous video recordings of council meetings illustrate this, particularly her refusal to vote for Mr. Jeff Wan to be seated as mayor, which was required by historical protocol. Her heated remarks during the CBCA contract negotiations further highlight her conduct and difficulty working positively with other council members. I encourage you to watch the council meeting videos, both historical and current. They speak volumes.

  6. Holly should resign. It is too bad Maria didn’t make it on the council.

  7. Holly and her Army continue to spread lies about our town on social media. She is trying to bully her way to vice mayor. I glad the council did not back down.

  8. I think she uses shock and awe and is verbose, hoping the so-called troublemaker citizens in the back or the room go away---why she even said to them, "when you guys eat crow, I can't wait!" She lost her composure, again. See the Kabuki theatrics yourself at 128:25 min council meeting video.

  9. Holly mentioned a specific citizen from Dias with what sounded like a threat. If it were me, I would speak to an attorney, and the city should buckle up. Holly just opened the city up to a lawsuit. Great job, Holly; you should be ashamed of yourself, and your posse that supports everything you do should also be. I would support a Holly recall!

  10. Lost it my butt! How can anyone take this site seriously? I'm just happy to see a proud black woman lead this city into the prosperous future. And FYI I love looking at all the negative comments about her on next door and seeing who is flagging all of our comments. Tillman 2024!

    1. Ed, how much further up Holly's backside can you get? Are you the official PR representative? Do you clean her feet with the your tongue? Your wife should divorce you for always being on Holly's six.

    2. Ed, I agree your head must be stuck there.

    3. Will the real Ed M please stand up.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. When is she going to apologize for what she said and has done to our city? And why do her supporters keep making excuses for her? She needs to learn this community won’t tolerate a bunch of nonsense and won’t be silenced.

  12. I am not a part of anyone's Army. My question regards the rotation of City of Clayton councilmembers into the positions of Vice Mayor and Mayor. Since the incorporation of the City, how many times has the council NOT voted for these positions in a rotation that gives an equal opportunity to each councilmember? If this has occurred, when did this happen and who was the councilmember who was overlooked? Mrs. Hillman obviously has some positive attributes and a following of Clayton residents if she garnered enough votes to win a seat on the city council again.

    1. Janet, Peter Cloven, Carl Wolfe and Holly Tillman broke the rotation in 2020. Carl Wolfe and Peter Cloven cut in line ahead of Vice Mayor Jeff Wan and were both made mayor. When the council majority changed, that wrong was set right but make no mistake if the other two candidates Holly was supporting in 2022 had won, they would have bypassed Jeff Wan again. Everything was fine until 2020 when Wolfe Cloven and Tillman decided to make it personal. They hated Jeff Wan. This story is getting so old and the fact people like you pretend not to know how we got here is hard to believe. Holly Tillman did get re-elected, she is a good campaigner. But her leadership skills are lacking. She attacks and accused her colleagues nonstop. She turned what should be a normal process into something political. Leadership in Clayton has changed significantly since 2020. She is still fighting over the issues of 4 years ago. If she made even the smallest effort to earn trust with her colleagues, things would be different. Many of us want this nonsense to end but she is still bickering. And it doesn't help that we have a local newspaper editor with no ethics that prints false stories with fake vote totals to try to prop up the candidates she likes.

    2. Peter Cloven, CW Wolfe, and Holly Tillman are 100% responsible for the divide in our community. Don't believe Holly's BS. It starts as soon as her lips start moving.

    3. Janet, Mrs. Hillman must be a typo. There have been several council members that have not served as vice mayor or mayor for various reasons. It is the council that selects their leaders, not the public.  

      I don't understand why you think the council would even consider selecting a council member for mayor or vice mayor who continues to attack them and community members, and continues to portray our town as a racist sundown town with police that profile for a leadership position. For a better understanding of their decision, watch the 8 videos.  

    4. Janet, we all know you are a Holly loyalist.

  13. I watched the council meeting this morning and was very concerned about her behavior.
    She does appear to be a maverick with the other council members and appears to enjoy that position. Her attitude is their problem, not her's. Huh?

    When she pointed to members in the audience and labeled them trouble makers because of their communications she didn't like I was disgusted. This is a country founded on free speech. It's disgusting to me to attempt to humiliate those folks in a public forum.

    I don't understand the logic of the large number of voters who reelected her. I'd like to know why they voted for her. Please tell us. Where they uninformed of her antics and swayed by her advertsing? This one meeting was a strong statement of who she thinks she is. You all should watch it.

    I suspect the other council members are concerned what she might do if she had control of the agenda. Their concerns appear valid from my observation. I hope she plays a role of being a member of a team working together to solve problems. This mantra of calling for (every month) an investigation as to why staff are leaving is strange. She has said its more than salary and other council members know but are suppressing that knowledge. What is she talking about? Lay out your allegations in the daylight rather than incite discontent through innuendo.

    Having said the above I do believe all council members are patriots. We see strange behavior in Sacramento and nationally. Perhaps no holds are barred and folks feel free to run rampant with weird opinions. Sacramento seems hell bent on demanding more housing, even from communities that are already built out or have no road infrastructure to support more housing. Who are those people?

  14. Holly is acting like a spoiled child. I agree, recall her.

  15. I watched the December 17th council meeting and herd Holly say that the four people in the back of the room are responsible for all the problems in the city. She has been saying Jeff Wan and Jim Diaz were the problem for the last four years and wants them to be investigated. Looks like Holly's blame list is expanding. Holly should look into a mirror to see the real problem.

    What did Holly mean that these horrible citizens are going to "eat crow"? They would probably prefer to eat Kentucky Chicken.

  16. Holly needs to take a course on the First Amendment and she should receive a written reprimand from the city attorney.

  17. The answer is never. She believes she is better than everyone in town. You would have thought the community would have seen that by now. She is a well-disguised snake.

  18. What is your deal with Holly Tillman? In all the city council meetings and events I have seen her at she has seemed lovely. I have seen her stand up for what she thinks is right, is that what you have against her? Please do not explain yourself. I am not asking to be a part of an argument and it has no relevance on what I want to say. Even if you had reason, which I do not think you do, this campaign against her is just ugly and wrong. Stop please!

    1. Bullying and attempting to silence others from expressing their views is not the solution. Everyone has the right to their First Amendment freedoms. While you have your own opinion, everyone here has the right to reply to your comments. If you prefer not to engage, it's best to refrain from posting.

    2. "Please do not explain yourself" It Sounds like this person is part of the problem. Their eyes and ears closed and just another one of the sheep that live in California. Holly is so lovely. . . Really? Just watch the videos and then look me in the eyes and repeat your comment.

    3. How could the council even consider someone who continues to attack council colleagues and community members and continues to portray our town as a racist sundown town with police that profile for a leadership position? Moreover, put that person in a leadership position so they can continue to push their flawed, false, negative narrative about our town on social media, the local paper and as our representative at regional meetings.

      Obviously, you have not watched any of the 8 videos. Holly's behavior on the videos is reprehensible and wrong. Holly may seems lovely, but her disdain for this town is unacceptable for a leadership position and as our regional representative. The council made the correct decision.

    4. Lovely? How can one be considered lovely when all they do is attack the community and residents where they live? Holly is the racist, bigoted, narcissistic woman you see more and more of at every council meeting. She has zero interest in bridging the divide caused by her, Cloven, and Wolfe. If she wants a bone to pick, it should be with Wolfe and Cloven. They hung her out to dry with the plan to surpass Wan. Then there is the dirty dealing with her and her husband, a board member of the CBCA, with the master fee schedule. Holly should have recused herself for a conflict of interest. Holly has no ethics. She continues to lie, deny, blame, and deflect any accountability or responsibility for her actions. Her bestie Tamara also does it for her by placing biased, false, and misleading information in the paper. I am acutely aware that recently, a former candidate called out false information from Tamara, and Holly tried to defend it. Holly, why try to silence someone else if you can speak your mind? You are a joke, and I hope there are serious consequences for a threat to a community member.

    5. Watch the 8 videos and then explain to the council and the community why you think Holly is such a lovely person; why you think Holly can work with her council colleagues to reach consensus on any issue; why you think it is acceptable for Holly to ruin the city's image by pushing her false narratives everywhere; why you think it is acceptable for Holly to continually attack her council colleagues; Why you think it was acceptable to bring the protesters to town in 2020 causing our businesses to be boarded up. I am not seeing any loveliness in any of these videos or that Holly is qualified for a leadership position.

    6. I totally agree. What people see in her is beyond belief.

    7. Are you watching Holly? She is outright ignoring other council members, city staff, and people in city groups she can't sway, as well as residents that have called out her crap. I suggest a new pair of glasses if you wear them.

  19. Holly is a snake oil sales woman

  20. Peter Cloven, Carl Wolfe and Holly Tillman so disrupted the mayor selection and rotation process, Clayton hasn’t elected a mayor unanimously since 2019. In 2020 they unceremoniously passed over Vice Mayor Jeff Wan. In 2022, after the people voted to restore civility, Peter Cloven and Holly Tillman chose not to vote for Jeff Wan for mayor. In 2023 they chose not to vote for Jim Diaz. Both Carl Wolfe and Peter Cloven left the city council after one term because they knew they would lose if they ran again after causing the division they caused by passing over Jeff Wan. Holly Tillman managed to get re-elected but she is the last remaining politician who was part of breaking the mayor rotation. She has never admitted what a bad decision it was to pass over Jeff Wan. She resorted to attempting to strong arm her way to the mayor’s seat. The race card will be next very soon. This new council has 4 common sense people. There’s no more room for the antics that started in 2020. Holly needs to accept that she isn’t the right person to lead us out of the mess she and her friends Wolfe and Cloven made.

  21. Holly, who thinks she is holier than though, and her husband Matt, who thinks he is just as holy, are participants in a hate group on Instagram along with their pompous buddy, Peter Cloven. All the usual suspects are there: Ed Miller, who claims this site is hateful, but Instagram is posting outright lies by a so-called religious person. HYPOCRISY


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