Tuesday, December 3, 2024

General Election Results - Final!

Contra Costa County General Election
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Official Results - Final!

The last update from Contra Costa County came out at 1:59 PM on Monday, December 2, 2024, instead of the expected 2:00 PM December 3rd date. (Refer to the details below.)

Congratulations to Rich Enea, Holly Tillman, and Jim Diaz! A big shoutout to Maria Shulman for her impressive showing in her first bid for a seat on our City Council. We look forward to seeing everyone at the upcoming City Council meeting on Tuesday, December 17th at 7:00 p.m.

With the elections behind us, it's time for the Clayton City Council to roll up its sleeves, focus on city matters, and leave the divisiveness behind.


  1. Thanks for the update. Clayton Watch is now my official source for information. Happy Holidays, and congratulations to Rich, Holly, and Jim. It's time to get back to work. I hope that Maria will consider running again.

  2. Congratulations Rich, Holly and Jim. I am disappointed that Maria didn’t make it, but she had a very impressive showing. I hope she will run again in 2026 because we need her on the council. Thank you Clayton Watch for all the reliable updates on the election.

  3. Hey congrats to all including Maria - maybe Rich could save us some money and serve as Chief tooooo :)

  4. I do hope Maria tries again in a couple of years, She put a lot of work into her bid for council and I believe she will make a good council member. Congratulations to those who will be on the city council, new and older members.

    1. The town will be so much better off without Peter Cloven involved. He was a terrible politician with no common sense.

    2. He finally “did the right thing” and decided not to run! One and done. No doubt like Carl Wolfe he will be rewarded with the CBCA presidency very soon.

  5. This site is a refreshing change for the community. The moderators on Nextdoor tend to be pretty biased and overly controlling about comments that don’t align with their views. On top of that, the local newspaper has really lost its credibility. A lot of folks I chat with are tired of the way the pioneer is always trying put our town down. Maybe it’s time for a chance in ownership. Either way, I really hope the team at Clayton Watch keeps up the good work of keeping everyone in the loop. Thanks!

  6. It is too bad Holly was re-elected. She must be very proud that she was so unpopular with Clayton voters that she had to circumvent to fair election process to win. Not a good look, and I have lost total respect for her.


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