Thursday, June 2, 2022

Mayor Peter Cloven's Pacel Tax and $30K Community Survey

By Clayton Watch

44% of Clayton Voters Say They Do Not Trust Their Elected Officials--HUM?

Clayton's self absorbed Mayor, Peter Cloven, along with his squad and the city manager, decided it would be a good idea to propose a new parcel tax in this economy (no joke).

However, they were not sure (even though all the voters were) if voters would support a new tax. So, they thought it would be a good idea to spend $30,000 of taxpayer money, they do not have, to hire a consultant to conduct a survey to tell them what we already knew--voters would not support a new tax (living proof, you do not have to be smart to get elected).

It gets even better. They also thought it would be a great idea to create a budget crises in order to convince Clayton voters they must support this new $400 parcel tax. (I guess they thought Clayton voters were to stupid to figure this out.)

Therefore, the city manager at a February council meeting indicated the city would have a budget deficit of $629,000 next fiscal year (this is a lot of money for a city with a $5.2 million general fund). In essence, the city would go from a balance budget to a huge deficit in one year (it is unbelievable Cloven thought people would buy this, but he did).

Then it happened, just as we all knew it would (except for our elected geniuses,) their $30,000 survey said voters would not support any new tax. Of course, after the bad news, they backed off of the new tax and fessed up the real deficit is only $109,000, and then denied they were ever pushing a $629,000 deficit (they really believe we all have short term memory loss).

A lesson on how to destroy public trust. Do you think they are smart enough to figure this out?

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