Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Acquaintances of Peter Cloven, Holly Tillman, and C.W. Wolfe - Beware

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Dear Neighbors, Friends, and Acquaintances of Peter Cloven, Holly Tillman, and C.W. Wolfe,

Please tell them their actions have consequences. Those of us that watched the city council meeting on Tuesday, December 5th with great disappointment. What should have been a simple rotation for the position of Mayor once again devolved into the bitter verbal attacks that have become all too common this past year from Council Members Peter Cloven and Holly Tillman.

Instead of professionally conducting the vote for our next mayor, Mr. Cloven opted to give an inflammatory speech detailing why he refused to support Mr. Wan in the past. He then blamed this on Mr. Diaz, claiming he was threatened into not supporting Mr. Wan.

These dubious allegations strain credulity. I have the screenshots of Mr. Cloven's own text message explanation for overlooking Vice Mayor Wan after the 2020 election. Nowhere does he mention being threatened by Mr. Diaz. He cites only campaign rhetoric and lack of support. Yet now he changes his story and levels accusations. Which version should I believe, Mr. Cloven? The truth is plain - your actions were motivated by pettiness and vindictiveness, not threats.

This is not Mr. Cloven's first instance of vindictive politicking. He orchestrated similar maneuvers against Commissioner Frank Gavidia on the Planning Commission. And his supporter Council Member Tillman has now fallen victim to Mr. Cloven's thirst for power, as his machinations prevented her from becoming Mayor as would have occurred under the original rotation.

The community lost out on what would have been our first African-American mayor. Again, Mr. Cloven's actions paved the way for two white men to become mayor ahead of the Asian-American candidate. I cannot ignore the racial undertones here.

Ms. Tillman is now paying the price for Mr. Cloven's naked ambition. It appears he used her to get elected but in reality does not care about supporting diversity in leadership roles.

Mr. Cloven, your divisive politicking has gone on long enough. For the good of Clayton, please resign from City Council immediately so we can move forward with more unity. Let your replacement be someone committed to serving all citizens, not sowing division.

I urge Ms. Tillman to distance herself from Mr. Cloven's toxic example.


A 50 Year Resident

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  1. Peter Peter pumpkin eater,

  2. These people are vicious and hungry for power.

  3. Amazing after that move Holly would even be associated with Peter Cloven. Makes you go hmm


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