Wednesday, June 12, 2024

CLAYTON. . . Fool Me Once, Shame on Me, Fool Me Twice, Shame On, Who?

By Clayton Watch

Ex-Clayton City Manager Bret Prebula appears to have recycled old budget information from his predecessor, Reina Swartz.

Bret reused old budget data from former City Manager Reina Swartz, which is why he didn't provide Council Member Jeff Wan with the necessary documentation for the budget, despite Jeff's repeated requests on Tuesday, March 5, 2034. You can view the entire meeting, including the tense exchange between Jeff and Bret, starting at 2:22:14, by clicking on the following link:

Additionally, Bret neglected to provide me with the information I requested after submitting a formal Public Information Request (PIR), which he initially denied. This led me to contact the city attorney and demand the information. Interestingly, Bret sent me the requested data after apparently receiving a call from the city attorney, who I’m sure explained the seriousness of his non-compliance.

Upon reviewing the information, it became clear that Bret was not giving the city budget the attention it required. He relied on the previous city manager's data (wish list) when making assumptions and forecasts. I believe he intentionally withheld the information to hide his inability to fulfill the task.

What was he trying to conceal? Were the figures inaccurate? Did Reina's budget contain her personal preferences (wish list), leaving Bret to try and persuade the city council and community that the city was deficit spending to the tune of $600,000+?

Overall, Bret's actions of recycling old information and resisting requests for documentation suggest that he may be better suited for his "next destination" in Suisun City. Perhaps that's why he was interviewing across the state in October/November 2023, knowing that the hiring process would take about six months to complete. Bret resigned on April 12, 2024.

Streamlining and Enhancing Operational Efficiency

Improving the efficiency of city hall is progressing well. The claims made by Holly Tillman and Peter Cloven about the staff being overworked were simply political talk and not based on facts. The current process of "consolidation" that we are undergoing at City Hall will greatly enhance our efficiency and productivity and save us money in the future.

Holly Tillman

The noise created by Holly and Peter at past city council meetings is their attempt to justify their proposed "SALES TAX" and "PARCEL TAX" plans without having a clear understanding of the actual income and expenses at City Hall.

I believe we should allow the City Council and the Citizen Financial Sustainability Committee the needed time to flush things out. Why rush?

How can anyone, especially Holly and Peter, justify increasing our taxes when they didn't reconcile the city's checkbook in over 18 months under their watch? (Peter as the Mayor, and Holly as the Vice Mayor)
Peter Cloven

For the past three and a half years, both Councilmembers Holly Tillman and Peter Cloven have been advocating for multiple tax increases without any knowledge of our income, expenses, or reserves. Why? It appears some politicians seem to prefer passing the buck to taxpayers instead of tackling the tougher issues themselves.

Their actions demonstrate laziness and neglect of their responsibilities. And to think, they were willing to pass on a tax increase to us without fulfilling their duties because, according to them, they didn't have enough time to review the budget.

Having a larger government does not automatically result in greater efficiency. In my opinion, it often leads to increased waste. In the case of Clayton, consolidation, and reorganization of staff roles appears to be the right path to take. Being 98% built out, it’s the right thing to do for our small city.

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  1. Election season is just around the corner. Everyone I've talked with are fed up both her and Cloven.

  2. Too busy - come on!

  3. SALES TAX" and "PARCEL TAX will never pass. Get your house in order first.


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