Thursday, June 13, 2024

Councilmember Holly Tillman - Sidestepping Issues

Holly Tillman
By Clayton Watch

Hi Council Member Holly,

It appears I have touched on a sensitive topic. You appear to be sidestepping many of the issues I brought up along with a few others. Thanks for the open communication.

If I remember correctly, you have declined to approve the budget for two consecutive years now, even though you were previously a member of the Budget & Audit Committee.

It was apparent last year you didn’t want to make a decision on the budget because you disagreed with the Master Fee Schedule income prediction. It was predicted to be at a $35k increase, and as of May 30th this fiscal year it is at $49k and growing. "Umm hmm"

Also, the FY 24/25 budget estimates were posted on the city website from May 14th through June 6th. Both you and council member Peter Cloven had ample time to review everything that Jeff and Kim reviewed in the Budget and Audit Committee meetings. No excuses!

Transparency and accountability are just empty words if you do not have time - and will not take responsibility for doing the job of balancing the budget in a timely manner. Three of the five council members seem to have found the time.

Looking forward to your reply.

Gary Hood

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  1. Typical politician, always making excuses.

    1. * Disruptive
      * Dividing
      * Troublemakers
      These three words describe Holly Tillman and Peter Cloven to a T. Four years of doing nothing for Clayton. Thanks, but no thanks! Please take your radical progressive agenda to some other town. Signed by a concerned mother of three young kids.

  2. They should do their jobs or get out of the kitchen.

  3. Spot on post. Net: Tillman & Cloven do not represent the Town's populace's best financial - services interests but defer, look out for the local CBCA's political-economic interests. For ample evidence watch the Town website's past meetings (in particular FY23)videos. I too wait for Ms. Tillman's reply to your post.

  4. Tillman will never respond. She thinks she does no wrong


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