Tuesday, September 17, 2024

A Worrying and Intentional Action? You Be the Judge

Shared Correspondence from the Community: We value the diverse perspectives of our readers and aim to encourage meaningful conversations. Occasionally, we may share excerpts from correspondence received from our followers or gathered from social media to promote civil discussions. While we may not always agree with the opinions shared, we believe in facilitating a platform for respectful debates. Thank you for contributing to the ongoing conversation in the comments section. Remember to keep your comments respectful and concise.


Dear Clayton Community,

Can Holly Tillman collaborate with individuals who hold differing political views? Do her supporters prioritize anything beyond their political alignment?

The ongoing election involves three available seats on the city council. Recently, a movement called #onlyHolly has emerged among her supporters, aiming to persuade the majority of Clayton's voters to back only Holly Tillman. Essentially, they are advocating for the election of just one candidate—her.

The individuals behind the #onlyHolly campaign have previously demonstrated a pattern of antagonism towards other City Council members and appear intent on altering the fundamental character of Clayton. 
How can we expect a functional city council if, in a race for three positions, we only elect one person?

It’s evident that her supporters are not interested in collaboration, but rather in aligning exclusively with those who share their political beliefs. This raises concerns about Holly and her supporters seeking a one-person rule in Clayton.

Over the past four years, Holly has shown little willingness to engage with her colleagues unless they are in complete agreement with her. Her initial move four years ago was to bypass a sitting vice mayor, breaking established protocol. 
More recently, she has publicly stated her refusal to participate in certain committees due to disagreements with her peers.

What would a government led by only Holly look like? Why does she permit her supporters to advocate for this approach, which clearly does not serve the best interests of Clayton?

An informed voter should consider all candidates and aim to fill every seat. However, it seems that she and her supporters are more focused on advancing her political ambitions than on the welfare of our city.

It is essential for us as a community to reflect on the reasons that brought us together in the first place. Personally, my motivation was not rooted in progressive ideologies or a so-called woke agenda.

We should cherish the spirit of Clayton as a quaint rural community nestled near the breathtaking Mount Diablo, where we can cultivate friendships, appreciate our parks and trails, and put aside our political disagreements. 


Concerned Citizen of Clayton
Resident for over 21+ years

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  1. Thank you for speaking out. I wish more people would not be afraid of her aggressive supporters and speak up more, this city deserves so much better.

    1. This is Janet Easton. My comment is listed as "anonymous" because this site wouldn't accept my name and email address. My comment IS: I find it difficult to place credence on comments hiding behind the moniker "anonymous". If you're going to say it, claim it. Sincerely, JANET EASTON

    2. Janet, Commenters are given the choice to provide their names if they have a Google account. However, I'm not interested in giving my name due to the vindictive nature of some of the individuals that live in Clayton. When you submit an article to this site they give you the choice to list your name or not. It’s everyone’s free speech right. Did you know, that you don’t even have to give your name when speaking at a City Council meeting. It’s true.

    3. Hi Janet, I don't use my name here because certain members of the Clayton community are filled with hate for a differing opinion from theirs. I'm talking about all the progressive liberals with a mob mentality. You see it on ND and at the council meetings, and it's gross. It seems they are uninterested in compromise and only want things their way; I disagree. If you do, you have to live with the consequences.

  2. Great article. And people wonder why Clayton is so divided. I found an interesting article on this site on that subject. Try typing in https://www.claytonwatch.org/2024/04/why-is-clayton-so-divided-is-it-about.html


  3. Another troubling and dangerous situation by a power hungry politician that only cares about herself.

    1. It is interesting you say that because I watched the 9.17.24 council meeting candidate introductions and Tillman used the pronoun "I" 28 times! This is clearly self-focus---such arrogance that she didn't even ask for my vote at the end.

  4. Just when I thought Holly could not sink any lower. I say vote for anyone but her.

  5. Great article - I have one question on this campaign which I do believe is real - say they vote only for Ms. Tillman as a group so what - I would have 1 response and their predicted outcomes and one suggestion should this be the result. 1. There are 3 seats available so what they only vote for Ms. Tillman - others will most certainly get some votes and result will have to be 2 out of the 3 elected will not be Ms. Tillman and thus the Council make up will be Ms. Tillman and 4 others. If the results are thusly that disproportionate because of this or other outside group's influence and such partisan and divisive behavior is not publicly condemned but is condoned by Ms. Tillman then, the rest can just continue voting as a block because it will be painfully and sadly obvious to all that there is only one interest she represents. And as she has already set a precedent by not following Council tradition in selecting Mayor and Vice Mayor, it should be surprising that the group that is represented by the other 4 members adopt the same standard and be well within their prerogative (which she has established) and vote to keep her off certain positions and assignments. There will be no basis at all for any complaint and it will make for a most frustrating term in office. Perhaps this is deserved or, as the saying goes "what goes around eventually comes around".

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. As Peter Cloven said, let’s keep Clayton and Clayton. We don't need big city politics in our town. The DEI thing is dead. Even big corporations have done away with this stupid idea. Shulman and Enea are the ticket.

  7. Just got home from work and saw this email. Big thanks to Clayton Watch for keeping everyone in Clayton updated. Honestly, the woke crowd should head back to the city. Clayton is a unique spot that deserves to be left as is. It seems like every time these radical, woke, and progressive folks show up, they end up messing things up for the community. Please stop!

  8. I see that some neighborhoods received a letter to come over to "Straka Springs" to support Tillman and ask pressing questions. Just be careful, that neighbor was off their rocker not too long ago on Nextdoor and actually got banned for using hateful speech. That is the honest truth. Be careful who you associate with my friends...

    1. If anyone is planning to attend, please ask her these 4 important questions that were published on her 2020 website and repeated by her over the last 3 1/2 years.

      One - do our Police profile? Two - is Clayton a racist city? Three - is Clayton a sundown downtown? Four - why the new image and what changed? After asking these questions, please be ready to be shown the front door. End of Meet and Greet.

    2. Where is my invite to the Tillman soiree? Oh, that's right she doesn’t like me because I don't kiss a**.

    3. Holly is having a fundraising event at La Veranda soon. My question is: Holly brags about being a non-profit executive, so why does she need to raise so much money? Why isn't she just self-funding like everyone else? Didn't she already receive $3000.00? Really, in a small city like Clayton, how much more do you need? This fundraising, like her original campaign, reeks of being bought and paid for by the elite. It's time to dump Holly and her Hounds.

  9. Holly is advocating for an annual increase of $400 in parcel taxes and wants to raise our sales tax as well. She never wants to do the hard work. She is lazy. At this week's council meeting, she talked about being a part of this committee and that committee and this group and that group, but never told the public what she has accomplished. That's because she never gets anything done. She couldn't even find the time to review the city's budget two years in a row. She is a bragger and is always looking for attention.

    1. If you view video of the 03/25/2024 CC meeting, it was Jeff that proposed the parcel tax in 2022, but withdrew it after the survey was complete. Now Jeff is seems OK with a parcel tax and an increase in local sales tax to fix the looming shortfall that is now and coming to a head in 2027. ClaytonWatch is a strong advocate of Jeff and in ardent opposer to Holly, The two of them can't seem to work together, but opposite views can and should lead to consensus for the betterment of Clayton

    2. Jeff has always said a parcel tax is a last resort. He’s doing the hard work on the Budget & Audit Committee, looking at revenues and expenses line by line. What has Holly done for the budget? She has refused to look at it with Regina, continued to push Renia and Brets misaligned over inflated budgets with wish lists and not catching $50,000 fraud for 18 months. To top off all that nonsense Holly could not be bothered to vote for the budget as required by law because she was too busy planning the pride parade. We need council members who prioritize the city functions, not their own agendas. Please wake up and vote her out before its to late!

  10. Having lived in Clayton for 48 years I believe I can honestly say I never heard the word racist applied to our dear city. The word came out of Holly Tillman’s mouth. . I can’t believe she said Clayton was racist. We have friends of all races, some were several houses down the street and were some of the most beautiful and well loved people. Yes that must be racism. Not!


  11. I am a “person of color” and I have lived in Clayton for over 20 years and I have never racism in Clayton. Other places Yes, Clayton No. Clayton is a friendly town. This is BS Holly

  12. “Racist “ no longer has any meaning. It is simply used by the left to taint someone who isn’t on board with the liberal agenda.

  13. ... wonder if candidate will take the time to review responses, feedback shared here and, in her own words, provide some answers to what she's planning for our great city of Clayton? Probably not.


Remember to keep your comments respectful and concise.