Tuesday, December 17, 2024

City Council Meeting Summary 12-17-24

City Council Correspondence: The excerpts below have been sourced from the website of council member Jeff Wan to share with the Clayton Watch Community. You can access council member Wan's website by following this link: https://www.jeffwanforclaytoncitycouncil.net

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By Jeff Wan, Clayton City Councilmember

Last night the Council met to discuss several significant items:

Before we took any action, the Mayor on behalf of the City and Council, presented Kent Ipsen with a proclamation honoring the 50th anniversary of the opening of Skipolini's. A fixture in downtown Clayton has expanded its footprint over the years and with that expansion has seen great success. Mr. Ipsen shared the story of how his father, Skip Ipsen decided to open a pizza restaurant and it was really moving. I encourage everyone to watch his comments at the 11:18 mark of the recorded video at the city website.

Mr. Ipsen has done so much for the Clayton community - as a more private person he is often not out front and may not even be recognized by everyone while walking downtown. But the City of Clayton recognized Kent Ipsen, and will continue to do so as his support of the community, his charitable activities, and his love of this town cannot be missed.

It was also fitting that Ed Moresi was in attendance to support Mr. Ipsen. Ed was honored earlier this year in recognition of Ed's 30th anniversary as well. In his comments, Mr. Ipsen recognized Mr. Moresi as Ed was his manager at Skipolini's when Kent worked at the family restaurant as a young man. Mr. Ipsen gives a lot of credit to Ed for his guidance and support.

- We appointed Donald Mort, a retired CalPERS annuitant as our Interim Chief of Police while the City conducts a recruitment effort for the next full time Chief. Chief Mort is an experienced law enforcement executive and retired Chief of Police, with extensive experience in leadership roles in the City of Concord, as well as other jurisdictions within California.

- We discussed extending the professional services agreement with 4LEAF to provide code enforcement services. The proposal was not to exceed $100K for one year, providing service up to 2 days per week at a rate of $108/hour. During discussion, Council gave feedback that this rate seemed excessive, and that it would be more valuable to include discussion of this role with the overall org design discussion that we will have next year. Historically Clayton has taken the approach for code enforcement to be complaint driven. This allowed those who fulfilled the code enforcement role to take on other duties. Council expressed interest in looking at ways that we could fill this role while simultaneously filling other roles in the City. This is consistent with the discussion we had during our 11.19.24 meeting - when looking at staff positions, roles, and compensation, it makes more sense to discuss it holistically rather than make decisions on a piecemeal basis.

- The swearing in ceremony for new and re-elected Councilmembers was performed and the City welcomed Rich G. Enea to the Council, and welcomed back Councilmembers Diaz and Tillman. Upon the seating of the new Council, for the next year, Councilmember Trupiano was appointed Mayor and I was appointed Vice Mayor. I look forward to working with Mayor Trupiano, and the rest of Council and staff in supporting the actions Mayor Trupiano will be spearheading.


  1. Congratulations Mayor Kim and Vice Mayor Jeff. Let’s get back to work and leave the drama queen on the sidelines.

  2. Regina needs to put on some listening ears and stop asking for piecemeal approval of staff or equipment. It is beginning to look like she prepares for the council meeting an hour beforehand. At least twice, the council has asked for a holistic view of the staff needed, and twice, the council has received piecemeal; where is the disconnect? Also, the city hall does not need more management staff but actual workers. Along with that, never should Clayton be paying a worker for 2 days a week at $108 hr, especially for code enforcement- we aren't Oakland or San Francisco

    1. You make point.

      I think the City Manager's update reports also lack an overall view of Town priorities and issues. These reports, in my view, should cover key topics as he knows them since taking the CM position, focusing on what he considers hot based on the data available to him, including financials, staffing, safety, hot human/nonhuman issues, short term and long term strategic-tactical strategy for them even though of course more data will be required for them. This update involves brevity yet provides a high-level understanding, rationale, and potential next steps strategy for them.

  3. Way to go, Madame Mayor Trupiano and Vice Mayor Wan! I wish you both a great year of getting shit done and blocking out the noise to do it!


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