Friday, December 13, 2024

Clayton Citizen Challenges Misinformation in the Local Newspaper

Shared Correspondence from the Community: We value the diverse perspectives of our readers and aim to encourage meaningful conversations. Occasionally, we may share excerpts from correspondence received from our followers or gathered from social media to promote civil discussions. While we may not always agree with the opinions shared, we believe in facilitating a platform for respectful debates. Thank you for contributing to the ongoing conversation in the comments section. Remember to keep your comments respectful and concise.


Dear Clayton Community,

Is the Clayton Pioneer exhibiting bias? Is Tamara Steiner attempting to create controversy where it may not exist?

In her most recent print edition, reporter Peggy Spear inaccurately asserted that Holly Tillman was merely 10 votes away from taking the top spot. However, the county election office has a different perspective, revealing that Rich Enea actually led by 156 votes. Why would Tamara allow Peggy to disseminate such a clear inaccuracy? If her goal is to provoke a response from Holly’s supporters regarding the mayoral rotation, this sensationalism certainly aligns with her intentions.

Historically, Tamara has published numerous articles that criticize candidates she does not support. In 2018, she publicly endorsed her favored candidates through her publication, and in 2020, she found multiple letters to the editor that disparaged those she opposed, which she subsequently published.

Peggy Spear's reporting raises concerns about her competence; she prematurely announced the election results on election night, even though thousands of ballots were still being counted. In 2022, Peggy authored a negative article about Jeff Wan and Kim Trupiano, who ultimately won, while citing one of the candidates she supported who did not succeed.

Journalists are tasked with presenting facts while maintaining a clear distinction between their personal beliefs and their professional responsibilities. Tamara longs for a return to previous leadership, where her allies held positions of power and her preferred CBCA received financial advantages funded by taxpayers. It is evident that following her and her allies' loss of influence within the city council, she has adopted a negative stance towards the city, attempting to undermine it at every opportunity in hopes of regaining the authority she once enjoyed.

She endorses Bill Jordan's controversial apartment complex in the downtown area and appears to dismiss residents as misinformed for wanting to maintain the town's character rather than transforming it into a city akin to San Francisco. Furthermore, she continues to assert that the Olivia on Marsh Creek project is intended for 55+ senior housing, which is misleading.

In my opinion, the emergence of Clayton Watch is timely, given the evident biases and subpar reporting from Tamara and her ineffective team, including Peggy Spear.

We encourage you to submit a letter to the editor to hold Tamara Steiner and Peggy Spear responsible for their journalistic standards and to also demand a retraction.

Thank you for your attention,

From a Concerned Citizen


  1. Thank you Clayton Watch for publishing this letter and the citizen that wrote it. I am really disappointed in the Pioneer. It is Tamara’s responsibility to insure that information in her paper is accurate. Is she so unengaged and disconnected that she doesn’t even read Peggy’s articles before they are published.

  2. I have gotten so tired of this bias and have repeatedly asked to not have this misinformation clutter my mailbox - alas to no avail as the papers keep on coming. Apparently, this happens so that those who advertise are given the assertion of my readership so they can be charged. I do however, have to say I have found a use; upon receipt it goes in a box where eventually the aper is put to use as a fire starter for my fireplace. I guess you could say that nowadays that's all it is good for anymore.

  3. No surprise here from Tamara Steiner at all! She would rather Clayton go under than to have anyone other than her CBCA cronies on the city council. It's all about her whacked out politics and the CBCA and nothing else. Holly fits her politics perfectly, woke, progressive, identity and race based politics! Peggy Spear has got to be the least educated "writer" in Contra Costa County. She obviously can't read and has no clue how elections work. She should be fired but because she also has the same whacked out politics as Tamara and Holly, she's a keeper!

    1. Apparently, the Pioneer can only afford a second rate so called journalist that needs to take a remedial math class.

  4. The column should read by “Peggy Smear” not Peggy Spear. Where is the editor and chief? Does she proof read anything before it is published?

    1. Peggy Smear is the perfect name! #FirePeggySmear!

    2. Love the Peggy Smear comment

  5. We can send Peggy Smear emails by going to her site and clicking on her email address there:! Send her links to the county elections office with the information the should have found as reporter:! Ask how she can call herself a journalist.

  6. The community needs to understand that the false narrative placed in the local rage is a setup to say that toxic Tillman should be mayor. Tillman's cronies will all complain she hasn’t been Mayor, and she hasn't for good reasons. Tillman's actions over the last four years and during the election present a clear and factual picture of her agenda. Holly is for Holly and no one else. Holly resorts to name-calling, telling lies about the community and fellow council members, and blaming others. She has no accountability or responsibility for anything she has said or done as long as it gets her what she wants. The Clayton community needs to wake up. Holly is troubled and works in the backroom, dealing with anyone she feels can give her a leg up to that higher office she wants. And clearly she works for as does her husband the CBCA and there wants over the City of Clayton and its residents.

  7. I put my Clayton Pioneer right where it belongs. At the bottom of my bird cage.

  8. Truth and transparency in the news has been left out, gone, deleted from reporting. From small news outlets to the nat'l news we've suffered the deceitful practice. It needs to be called out everytime it rears it's ugly head. I can't understand why her supporters felt the need to try and strengthen Holly's win with misinformation? Did the gimmick used in the election cause the uneasiness? She'll be fine.
    Cathy V

  9. It’s only a matter of time. Newspapers across the country are dead.

    1. I agree, they are causing their own demise. People have had enough of politically bias and intentional misleading reporting. The pioneer is no exception. I as am not sure it can saved at this point.

    2. It should not be saved. Tamara did herself by not being objective.

  10. I have watched the decline of Tamaras paper for many years. Shes blinded by her bias and is only getting worse. She uses derogatory comments about Clayton, a city that so many of us still love like "Clayton, a city in decline" when it's her paper that's declining! Now that we have a great city counsel, maybe Clayton Can be great again.


Remember to keep your comments respectful and concise.