Video (3) Bridging the Divide - Nobody Likes Me

Preview: In this video, Holly Tillman attempts to spark a discussion about her unpopularity, asserting that the council needs to address the existing rift before progress can be made. She expresses frustration over an agenda item being added without her prior knowledge. Holly emphasizes that progress is lacking, to which Mayor Jeff Wan counters by highlighting that they have accomplished more in the last three months than in the previous two years.

These are Holly's words, not ours.  Video length = 141 seconds.


  1. You can't expect everyone to like you…but you should strive to have everyone respect you. Having that discussion at a city council meeting was totally out of line. It shows Holly's immaturity. The way she treats people during the meetings is disgusting.

  2. This is atrocious. I have been attending council meetings and watching them on zoom for years and I have never seen such bad behavior from our elected council members. What an embarrassment.

  3. This meeting turned into a therapy session for her. She claims she is for “professional conduct.” Was this professional? Complaining the her colleagues don’t like her? Is this the City Council or High School?

  4. The letter mentioned in this video is pertaining to a letter Mayor Diaz's sent to Congressman Mark DeSaulnier. Mr. Diaz aimed to express the outrage of many of Clayton's citizens regarding Mark's absence from Trump's inauguration.

    Similarly, Mayor Catalano took to social media to assert her position as the Mayor of Clayton while criticizing Canesa's Deli on Main Street for a remark printed on the back of every receipt.

    In both instances, they represented themselves as the Mayor of Clayton. So, for those who identify as woke liberals or progressives, it's time to move on.

  5. Do we care if Tillman or anyone else Is liked? Being on the city council means working with your colleagues despite differences for the good of the city. It's about time she goes because she has demonstrated she isn't interested in working with anyone who doesn't have the same belief system she has. I find it strange her followers can't or won't see her poor behavior and the toxic atmosphere Holly has created on the council. That singular mindset is dangerous for Clayton, and her loud voices of JL and EM make up lies, trying to say its the truth, but everyone knows they are both troublemakers, liars, and dirt slingers


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