Video (8) Holly's Mis-Information and Lies

Preview: Holly Tillman clearly doesn’t vote for the budget for 2023, she abstained, and in 2024 she voted “no” because she said she was too busy to review the budget and to meet with the city manager and staff to prepare for the meeting. 

Holly's unwillingness to engage with the budget process, despite materials and invitations from staff, raises questions about her priorities and understanding of her responsibilities as council member. Holly, Please explain to the Clayton community how it’s a lie you did not vote for the city budget two years in a row?

These are Holly's words, not ours.  Video length = 2:32 minutes.


  1. Can’t wait to see how Holly and her supporters say this is out of context. She abstained in 2023 and voted no in 2024. Good governance she says. Her third and fourth year in the council and she doesn’t know when the budget has to be passed? How is the city supposed to pay the staff she says she cares about so much without an approved budget? She was too busy she says. Doing what? Photo ops? She talks a good game but her actions sure tell a different story. It almost looks like she wanted to create a fiscal crisis in 2024. She says it’s a lie she didn’t vote on the budget two years in a row. Looks to me like she has mastered the politician art of spin.

  2. Great points. She sure got caught on this one. A typical politician, forgetting what she has done and said in the past.

  3. It sure looks like Holly will tell whatever lie fits her narrative. Always a lie and never the truth

  4. When people show you who they are, believe them the first time. This is a quote from Maya Angelou.

  5. I am flabbergasted that after 4 years on the council Holly doesn’t know that the budget has to be approved by July 1st. I am not on the council and even I know when it has to be approved. More concerning is she is lying about the whole thing. Holly please come clean on this and explain why you did not vote to approve the budget and why you lied about it.

  6. I hope that most of the community has woken up to Tillmans's toxic behavior and agenda and will replace her on the council. This city and its residents need a return to respect, civility, and a professional and working council.

  7. She claims to be a 'lifelong financial expert'-she's not using her self proclaimed expertise on this council.

    1. Her neighbor told me she was a bank teller. How does that make her a financial expert?

  8. Classic Holly Tillman. It’s all about me. Every decision or non decision is based on her personal perception of what is good for her.

  9. After watching all the videos, you see a definite pattern of self centered behavior and temper tantrum when she doesn’t get her way. We need leader not a dictator.

  10. Her supporters are making claims that the videos are "out of context." Some of her supporters are pulling the race card and saying showing the videos is racist. And then there are those saying the videos are fake and that Holly's voice is being dubbed. The videos are on the city website for all to view! Funny that her supporters have never seen any of this and sing her praises "because they have known her for fill in the blank years. Her supporters can't be bothered with trivial things like voting for a budget.

  11. About time this is getting discussed

  12. Doesn’t vote for the budget, wants to investigate her colleagues for everything, makes accusations about her colleagues without any evidence, drags her colleagues’ spouses into political debate, has her supporters show up and use nasty language against her colleagues and her supporters say she is an example?

    1. She must like the attention.

    2. She loves the attention; she lives for it! Two of her biggest supporters are plastering her praises by using inflammatory, bigoted, and racist language to describe fellow Clayton Community members. Yet, she nor Cloven have denounced any of it. Cloven, the self-proclaimed morality police, won’t support people he sees as not denouncing the hateful messages, yet he not only supports the two putting out derogatory messages but has joined and participates on a site filled with lies, hate, and rantings of a troubled mind needing psychological help. We all see you Cloven and Tillman (Holly’s husband is also on the nasty site). Clayton needs and deserves better leadership!

    3. Aren't the Tillmans and Cloven always preaching love, inclusivity, equity, and inclusion? Tell me why they are participating in a site that displays hate and outright lies about community members. Seems like the Tillmans and Cloven think they are better than the rest of Clayton

  13. Holly is a self described “progressive” which in other words means radical liberal. Think of the people running Antioch, Oakland, SF etc. everything these progressives touch turns to 💩- literally. she’s here to push her radical agenda which 99% of residents don’t want.

  14. We are stuck with that miserable woman for another 4 years. I don't know about everyone else, but I can vomit from seeing her picture everywhere. Stop having your picture taken every 2 seconds and do some real work! Oh, be aware, Holly, at any volunteer events, I will be filming you to see if you do the work you claim; after all, we all know you don't like to do anything physical; you might break a fake nail


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