Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Honesty Would Be A Welcome Change For Our Elected Representatives

Shared Correspondence from the Community: We value the diverse perspectives of our readers and aim to encourage meaningful conversations. Occasionally, we may share excerpts from correspondence received from our followers or gathered from social media to promote civil discussions. While we may not always agree with the opinions shared, we believe in facilitating a platform for respectful debates. Thank you for contributing to the ongoing conversation in the comments section. Remember to keep your comments respectful and concise.


Dear Clayton Community,

Wouldn’t it be great if they would sit down and answer questions face to face. They say they represent the people of their District but never send out questionnaires asking for opinions. It is convenient to not have opinion polls when they vote to appease their party leaders or Campaign Donors.

If you go to The “CALIFORNIA DSA statewide organization of the Democratic Socialists of America” it reveals some interesting facts thru their support of candidates. (https://www.californiadsa.org/news/2024-primary-voter-guide-cadsa)

The D.S.A. supports Mark DeSaulnier – Congressional District 10. “He often bucks the majority of Democrats to vote with the left on contentious issues, has cosponsored nearly a full slate of progressive initiatives…”

Question for Mark D:

How do you plan to bring this country together politically when your updates expose your hatred for the Republican Party and all the people registered Republican.

The D.S.A. supports Kamala Harris under their Instagram section “Two Socialists Takes, The Harris/Walz campaign.” It states… “it will be difficult- maybe impossible-for left forces to move under a MAGA regime…”is a necessary condition to achieve any transitional socialist goals.” https://www.californiadsa.org/

The D.S.A. supports Proposition 5, along with Tim Grayson. The D.S.A writes… “Passing Prop 5 will make it easier for California cities and counties to invest in local housing and infrastructure by lowering the voting requirements to raise property taxes and by publicly funding new housing.”

Questions for Tim Grayson:

1. How does increasing property tax lower housing costs and rents?
2. Why did you support Scott Wieners S.B.9 (ending single-family-home-only zoning, April 9, 2024 just ruled unconstitutional?) People in Contra Costa County, which you represent, overwhelmingly support the space Single Family Home zoning provides. It appears you did not represent your constituents in favor of appeasing Scott Wiener.
3. Why should we elect you to the California Senate since your votes completely spent a $37 Billion surplus and created a $79 Billion deficit (Numbers approximate depending on source)? This means you voted to overspend approximately $116 Billion too much!
4. You stated publically the original $.50 /gallon additional gas tax would go for our infrastructure and roads. The bill dedicated the money to our roads and could not be taken away unless there was an emergency. Does that explain why you overspent to create a financial emergency?
5. C.A.R.B. (California Air Resources Board) has stated that they will raise gas prices $.50/gallon next year and every year after to aid in clean air efforts. Californian’s already pay more than $1.00/gallon than the national average for gas, and even more for diesel. Almost everything is shipped into California and transported by engines using fossil fuel which has raised the cost of food significantly in California, not to mention everything else we buy.
6. Our Govenor - Gavin Newsome - just had The Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act Proposition removed from the ballot so voters will not have the opportunity to vote on it. The Wall Street Journal headlines read “Democracy Dies in California.” This is truly an assault on Democracy for a Politician to have “a people sponsored and qualified initiative removed from the ballot.”


Unfortunately, there are many questions, and no answers from our Representatives!

Only higher prices for everything!

Thanks for reading,

A Concerned Clayton Resident


  1. Great write up. People need to wake up and realize that these politicians are only interested in big doners and themselves.. California is in big trouble!

    1. California has been in Big Trouble for years. This is why so many people are leaving the state

  2. It appears they represent the party not the people. Thank you for calling them out.

  3. I'm tired of how California wants something, and they add another tax. What happened to budgets and living within your means? The average person can't just get extra money when needed; we are all taxed to the hilt, and inflation has exasperated the problem


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