Showing posts with label By Clayton Watch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label By Clayton Watch. Show all posts

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Parking Permit Program Update - After a Few Weeks, We Finally Heard Back From Council Member Jeff Wan, but Still No Word From Holly Tillman.

By Clayton Watch

To read our prior correspondence with Jeff Wan and Holly Tillman, click on the following link.

Hi, Bill -

I've pulled Jim Diaz off of this email thread so as to not create a communication with a majority of the Council.

The Council and City have been focusing quite a bit on finding and onboarding a permanent City Manager. While Adam Politzer as our Interim City Manager has been doing excellent work, as a retiree his time is limited and he is not able to continue with the City past a certain point. It has been my primary goal to find a permanent replacement.

There will likely be a period of time after we hire a permanent replacement to properly onboard the individual. After that point we'll be able to take up the issue of a parking permit program again.

Thank you for your patience.

-Jeff Wan

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Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Good News - The Largest Housing Bond in California History is Axed Before it Even Reaches Voters!

By Clayton Watch

$20 Billion Housing Bond Pulled From Ballots - Leaving Advocates ‘Heartbroken’

A $10 billion affordable housing bond in California will not appear on the November ballot, causing concern among housing advocates about the future of funding after the state slashed over a billion dollars from related programs. 

Assemblymember Buffy Wicks (D-Berkeley) introduced AB 1657, which was set to be the largest housing bond in decades, receiving strong backing from housing advocates and city officials throughout California. This bond would have allowed for general obligation bonds to fund affordable rental housing for low-income families and supportive housing for those experiencing homelessness, among other initiatives. 

However, the Legislature had to prioritize other bonds and faced limitations on new borrowing due to a significant budget deficit. As a result, two measures aimed at allocating $10 billion each for K-12 school renovations and climate change preparedness secured spots on the November ballot, while AB 1657 was ultimately sidelined in the appropriations committee last week. 

In November, voters in the Bay Area will also decide on a measure to simplify the process for local governments to pass bonds and taxes that support affordable housing and infrastructure. Currently, such measures require a two-thirds supermajority, or 66% approval from residents, to pass. Proposition 5 aims to reduce that requirement to 55%. Stay tuned - more to follow.

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Saturday, August 10, 2024

Clayton News Update! - An Incumbent Has “Not” Submitted the Necessary Paperwork to Seek Re-election

By Clayton Watch

As of 5 p.m. yesterday, Friday, August 9, 2024, an incumbent did not turn in paperwork to run for re-election and the deadline has now been extended to Wednesday, August 14, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. for anyone else to file. Click here to see who has successfully filed to run for city council.

We support the incumbent's decision not to run and at this time congratulate them for “doing the right thing” for the community. It’s time for the community to heal the divide and come together. Enough is enough.

Regrettably, the legacy of Carl Wolfe, Peter Cloven, and Holly Tillman was to break precedent and create far more division in the community than necessary by their actions against Vice Mayor Wan two years in a row.

Incumbent Holly Tillman is running for re-election, but the members of Clayton Watch feel she may "not" be the best fit for Clayton based on her past negative remarks about our town. More to come - stay tuned.

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Friday, August 2, 2024

Clayton Watch Launches Website

By Clayton Watch (Featured in the Diablo Gazette on August 1, 2024)

We appreciate the coverage of Clayton Watch in the Diablo Gazette, but we’ve added some friendly responses in blue throughout the article. See bekow.


By David King, Diablo Gazette

At the Clayton City Council meeting on July 16, resident Gary Hood announced that Clayton Watch has formed a Political Action Committee (PAC) and has launched a new website,

Clayton Watch is spearheaded by local activists * Gary Hood and Bill Walcutt. ** The two are well known in the community for their conservative positions and their displeasure with certain members of the Council, Planning Commission and others in City Government as well as past decisions and conduct.

* Many people move to Clayton because they want to preserve its small town charm, and that's why activists and concerned citizens are fighting to protect it.

** Gary and Bill have been residents of Clayton for more than four decades. Bill, a retired former Mayor, and Gary, a business owner, have deep roots in the community.

They are known to walk neighborhoods to distribute flyers, attend council meetings, and engage on social media platforms such as Next Door to express their position on various issues. Their opponents see them as being hateful and vindictive. As a result, hostilities have escalated.

Clayton Watch has been accused of using divisive tactics by distributing flyers containing misinformation and hit pieces; however, opposing factions have countered with their own attack including a flyer calling Hood and Walcutt puppet masters over the current City Council.

City government has been faced with high turnover in several key positions for the past few years. ***

*** Holly Tillman and Peter Cloven point fingers at Jeff Wan and Jim Diaz for the high staff turnover. According to Clayton's former City Clerk and some other ex-city employees, the issue lies in the lack of leadership from past city managers in the last three years and the unfriendly work environment at city hall. Could it be that they fail to grasp the intricacies of running a small town?

Is this because of the activities of Clayton Watch? You decide.

In the site’s first few days, it has already exceeded 10,000 pageviews. While the site maintains a conservative narrative, anyone can research copies of past email exchanges with City personnel, news articles, Requests for Information, city budgets and audits, community activities, updates on city projects, candidate statements and much more.

Whether progressive or conservative, serves as an exposé into local issues worthy of discovery for concerned citizens. Their efforts pressure the City government to be accountable, promote transparency, and insist that whatever decision the City makes, it governs by the rules.

Its mission statement says, “To help inform the citizens of Clayton about the true facts of various proposed projects and city sponsored initiatives within the city. We seek to counter the misinformation and will do anything and everything legally possible to stop this abuse of power. Only by knowing the facts can an informed citizen make a reasoned decision.”

As an official PAC, residents can bet Clayton Watch will be asserting its influence in the local election this fall.

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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Attention Clayton Homeowners - Caution Regarding the Bay Area Affordable Housing Bond!

By Clayton Watch

Clayton Homeowners Don’t Be Fooled 

The Bay Area Affordable Housing Bond, known as Regional Measure 4, is set to appear on the ballot in November 2024, proposing a $20 billion investment aimed at the creation and preservation of affordable housing across the nine-county area. 

For a detailed overview, you can access the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) report here: 

To finance this bond, an estimated “property tax” of $19 per $100,000 in assessed value would be required. This means that homeowners with properties valued at $1 million could face an annual property tax increase of approximately $190 to support this measure. 

It’s time to take a stand. Say “no” to new taxes! 

Ensure your opinion is voiced in the November 2024 election.

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Friday, July 19, 2024

Clayton City Council “Abruptly Halted” Last Tuesday Night!

By Clayton Watch

The Clayton City Council meeting on Tuesday, July 16th was abruptly halted due to two speakers deviating from expected decorum and making serious accusations against three council members, including community members.

The second speaker went on a wild diatribe, full of vitriol and harassing statements towards council members and the community. This behavior continued even after leaving the podium, as the speaker tried to incite violence with several community members in the audience.

The speakers' comments can be viewed at 0:56:00:00 and 1:10:34:00 by clicking on the following link:

It has been reported that the same individual who spoke at the 1:10:34:00 mark has demonstrated similar behavior at other meetings and around town.

Despite the mayor's responsibility to control these meetings, Mayor Diaz did his best under the circumstances.

What's puzzling is that the individual who spoke at the 1:10:34:00 mark is a big supporter of council members Holly Tillman and Peter Cloven, yet both Tillman and Cloven just sat there and said nothing.

This behavior undermines the integrity of our meetings and casts a dark shadow on the respectful dialogue the council strives to maintain.

Thanks to the swift response of law enforcement in addressing the situation and restoring order, the individual was immediately removed from the meeting.

Hopefully, our city council can take decisive action to prevent similar incidents in the future.

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Tillman and Wan Not Responding on Details for Parking Permit Program

By Clayton Watch

Councilmembers Jeff Wan and Holly Tillman,

I sent both of you an email three weeks ago about the Parking Permit Program and you have not responded. If you did respond and it ended up in my spam folder, I apologize.

As I said before, the citizens of Stranahan and surrounding neighborhoods are anxiously awaiting to hear the details of the proposed parking permit program that you will be presenting to the city council for action and approval. However, they are becoming extremely frustrated with your silence. This is very unfortunate, because they were very encouraged after you held a community outreach meeting in April that a parking permit proposal would be forthcoming.

I am not sure why there has been no action, but I know you are very busy Holly and will be even more busy with your re-election campaign. If this is the case, and you do not have the time to serve on the committee, please ask the Mayor to replace you so we can move this forward.

I look forward to your response.

Bill Walcutt

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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

2nd Post Office Update

By Clayton Watch

I received a call from Mayor Dias yesterday with an update on the ongoing post office maintenance issues.

He and City Manager, Adam Politzer, will be working with all parties involved to find a permanent solution so we are not “circling back” with the same maintenance issues every year.

Apparently, Adam has experience dealing with the post office in other cities where he has worked. I gave the Mayor the property owner information and he is being copied on all correspondence from Congressman DeSaulnier’s office. I will keep you posted on the progress.


Bill Walcutt



The landscaping at the post office is finally getting a spring clean up.

I received a progress report on the post office from Mayor Dias yesterday. Here is a recap:

1) Mayor Dias called the property owner and confirmed that the post office is responsible for maintaining the landscaping and the facility.

2) The post office hired a maintenance crew on Monday to start removing all the weeds and cleaning up the unsightly mess. After all the weeds are removed and plants trimmed, they will be putting in new bark--probably next week.

3) Mayor Dias talked to the Acting Post Master, Jim Mahan, and he confirmed they now have a budget to provide ongoing maintenance. Prior to all the community outrage, they had no budget for maintenance. Apparently, Congressman Mark DeSaulnier worked his magic in DC and and secured funding for ongoing maintenance.

4) Acting Post Master, Jim Mahan, has only been in this position for a short time and was trying to do his best without any funding. He said after my letter to Congressman Mark DeSaulnier and all the phone calls and emails from the community the funding was approved.

5) Mayor Dias will be following up on all the other cleaning issues inside the post office with Mr. Mahan. He said Mr. Mahan is enthusiastic about an opportunity to rectify the unsightly conditions at the post office.

A big thank you to all involved and the community members who called and emailed Congressman DeSaulnier. It made a huge difference.


Bill Walcutt

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Planning Commissioners Selected!

Kudos to Rich Enea, Sr., Maria Shulman, and Dan Richardson for being reappointed to the Planning Commission on Tuesday, July 16th. The City Council recognized their dedication and performance, ensuring stability in the commission, and were unanimously reappointed to the Planning Commission.

Special thanks to Nathalie Archangel-Montijo and Nate Brzovich for applying. Your willingness to serve the community is appreciated.

A Brief History of How Things Work: The Planning Commission is a five-member advisory board whose members are appointed by the City Council. The Planning Commission makes decisions and/or recommendations to the City Council on development proposals and land uses within the City of Clayton. All Commissioners must be registered voters and live within the City of Clayton. The term of office is two years, and Commissioners may not serve more than eight consecutive years.

The Planning Commission generally meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month in the Clayton Community Library Meeting Room at 6125 Clayton Road at 7:00 p.m. The meeting locations do occasionally change, so check the Planning Commission agenda or call (925) 673-7300 to confirm the location.

Current Planning Commissioners and Terms:

Dan Richardson - Term expires June 2026  

Richard Enea - Term expires June 2026

Maria Shulman - Term expires June 2026

Joseph Banchero - Term expires June 2025

Bretten Casagrande - Term expires June 2025

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Monday, July 15, 2024

Response from Congressman DeSaulnie's Staff - Regarding Clayton Post Office

By Clayton Watch

First Response

Here is the response from Congressman DeSaulnie's staff. I will also post their response when they "circle back" to me with more information. Shanelle's contact information is listed below. Please feel free to contact her and chime in..

"Hello Mr. Walcutt, Hope you are having a great day. Thank you for reaching out to our office. We will reach out to our Postal Congressional Liaison with regards to the Clayton Post Office and circle back with you soon. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact myself at (925) 698-1613 cell or my colleague Kaylee Deland at (925) 933-2660.

Warmest regards,

Shanelle" Shanelle Scales-Preston
District Director

Office of Congressman DeSaulnier (CA-10)
3100 Oak Road, Suite #110
Walnut Creek, CA 94597

Tel: (925) 933-2660
Cell: (925) 698-1613
Fax: (925) 933-2677

Second Response

Here is the second response from Congressman DeSaulnier’s office. I ask them to work with Mayor Dias and the City Manager on a permanent solution.

Hi Mr. Walcutt,

I’ve passed these concerns along to our liaison at USPS and will be sure to reach out to you once I have a response. Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions in the meantime.


Kaylee DeLand
Senior Outreach Coordinator
3100 Oak Road Suite #110
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
Tel: 925-933-2660 Fax: 925-933-2677

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Friday, June 21, 2024

Parking Permit Program - Waiting for an Update from Jeff and Holly

By Clayton Watch

Councilmembers Jeff Wan and Holly Tillman,

The citizens of Stranahan and surrounding neighborhoods are anxiously awaiting to hear the details of the proposed parking permit program that you will be presenting to the city council for action and approval. We will be happy to review it and provide feedback before it goes to the council.

Please let us know what you are recommending and when we can expect this item to be put on the city council's agenda for approval.

I look forward to your response.

Bill Walcutt

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Thursday, June 20, 2024

Congressman Mark DeSaulnier - Post Office Maintenance

By Clayton Watch 

Congressman Mark DeSaulnier,

Clayton needs your assistance. The Clayton Post Office is an eye sore and is in a constant state of neglect. It appears there is no ongoing maintenance program to maintain the landscaping and control the weeds. Every year. for the past 15 years, the weeds are allowed to grow unchecked, destroy the plants, the bark, and become a fire hazard, until someone complains. This has gone on far to long and needs to be addressed. We need a permanent solution not a reaction.

Clayton Post Office
Moreover, the post office is a federal facility and they should be setting an example for the community, It should not be the leading candidate for the "ugly facility award". How can we expect our businesses and our residents to maintain their properties and be "FireWise" "FireSafe" when the post office is a maintenance nightmare with a flourishing hazardous weed garden. See the attached picture.

Your staff have been very helpful in the past, sending in resources to correct the problem after it gets out of control, but this is not the answer. We can't just keep reacting, we need a permanent solution--Please Help.

I look forward to your response,

Bill Walcutt

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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Councilmember Holly Tillman - Sidestepping Issues

Holly Tillman
By Clayton Watch

Hi Council Member Holly,

It appears I have touched on a sensitive topic. You appear to be sidestepping many of the issues I brought up along with a few others. Thanks for the open communication.

If I remember correctly, you have declined to approve the budget for two consecutive years now, even though you were previously a member of the Budget & Audit Committee.

It was apparent last year you didn’t want to make a decision on the budget because you disagreed with the Master Fee Schedule income prediction. It was predicted to be at a $35k increase, and as of May 30th this fiscal year it is at $49k and growing. "Umm hmm"

Also, the FY 24/25 budget estimates were posted on the city website from May 14th through June 6th. Both you and council member Peter Cloven had ample time to review everything that Jeff and Kim reviewed in the Budget and Audit Committee meetings. No excuses!

Transparency and accountability are just empty words if you do not have time - and will not take responsibility for doing the job of balancing the budget in a timely manner. Three of the five council members seem to have found the time.

Looking forward to your reply.

Gary Hood

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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

CLAYTON. . . Fool Me Once, Shame on Me, Fool Me Twice, Shame On, Who?

By Clayton Watch

Ex-Clayton City Manager Bret Prebula appears to have recycled old budget information from his predecessor, Reina Swartz.

Bret reused old budget data from former City Manager Reina Swartz, which is why he didn't provide Council Member Jeff Wan with the necessary documentation for the budget, despite Jeff's repeated requests on Tuesday, March 5, 2034. You can view the entire meeting, including the tense exchange between Jeff and Bret, starting at 2:22:14, by clicking on the following link:

Additionally, Bret neglected to provide me with the information I requested after submitting a formal Public Information Request (PIR), which he initially denied. This led me to contact the city attorney and demand the information. Interestingly, Bret sent me the requested data after apparently receiving a call from the city attorney, who I’m sure explained the seriousness of his non-compliance.

Upon reviewing the information, it became clear that Bret was not giving the city budget the attention it required. He relied on the previous city manager's data (wish list) when making assumptions and forecasts. I believe he intentionally withheld the information to hide his inability to fulfill the task.

What was he trying to conceal? Were the figures inaccurate? Did Reina's budget contain her personal preferences (wish list), leaving Bret to try and persuade the city council and community that the city was deficit spending to the tune of $600,000+?

Overall, Bret's actions of recycling old information and resisting requests for documentation suggest that he may be better suited for his "next destination" in Suisun City. Perhaps that's why he was interviewing across the state in October/November 2023, knowing that the hiring process would take about six months to complete. Bret resigned on April 12, 2024.

Streamlining and Enhancing Operational Efficiency

Improving the efficiency of city hall is progressing well. The claims made by Holly Tillman and Peter Cloven about the staff being overworked were simply political talk and not based on facts. The current process of "consolidation" that we are undergoing at City Hall will greatly enhance our efficiency and productivity and save us money in the future.

Holly Tillman

The noise created by Holly and Peter at past city council meetings is their attempt to justify their proposed "SALES TAX" and "PARCEL TAX" plans without having a clear understanding of the actual income and expenses at City Hall.

I believe we should allow the City Council and the Citizen Financial Sustainability Committee the needed time to flush things out. Why rush?

How can anyone, especially Holly and Peter, justify increasing our taxes when they didn't reconcile the city's checkbook in over 18 months under their watch? (Peter as the Mayor, and Holly as the Vice Mayor)
Peter Cloven

For the past three and a half years, both Councilmembers Holly Tillman and Peter Cloven have been advocating for multiple tax increases without any knowledge of our income, expenses, or reserves. Why? It appears some politicians seem to prefer passing the buck to taxpayers instead of tackling the tougher issues themselves.

Their actions demonstrate laziness and neglect of their responsibilities. And to think, they were willing to pass on a tax increase to us without fulfilling their duties because, according to them, they didn't have enough time to review the budget.

Having a larger government does not automatically result in greater efficiency. In my opinion, it often leads to increased waste. In the case of Clayton, consolidation, and reorganization of staff roles appears to be the right path to take. Being 98% built out, it’s the right thing to do for our small city.

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Monday, June 10, 2024

Just When it Seemed the Situation in Clayton was Cooling Down. . .

By Clayton Watch

City Council members Holly Tillman and Peter Cloven demonstrated their continued meddling at the last council meeting. You can watch the full meeting, including the city budget discussion starting at 1:49:12, by clicking this link:

Despite the city's recent staff turnover, the Interim City Manager Adam Politzer effectively leveraged outside resources to promptly assemble and deliver the FY24-25 budget by the legally required June 30th deadline.

This baseline budget aimed to establish an ongoing process for more frequent evaluation and adjustments, rather than seeking significant changes and tax increases.

Over the past 6 weeks, the Budget and Audit Committee (Council Members Jeff Wan and Kim Trupiano) diligently reviewed and iterated on the budget, which staff had prepared professionally and transparently.

Notably, the projected $560K deficit from the previous City Manager (Bret Prebula) was inaccurate, highlighting the value of knowledgeable staff and rigorous financial analysis. By all accounts, Bret Prebula created a significant mess at City Hall, failing to provide the professional, competent oversight that a municipality requires.

However, during the budget discussion, Holly Tillman and Peter Cloven claimed they lacked time to review the budget details and sought to delay the vote. Their unwillingness to engage with the budget process, despite materials and invitations from staff, raises questions about their priorities and understanding of their responsibilities as council members.

Unbelievable! It’s one of the most important functions of a city council member, and they didn’t have time? If they didn’t have time to devote to the city’s number one priority, reviewing and passing the budget (while the whole staff turned out and was online to answer any of their questions) what was more important?

What was the real reason they avoided the budget process?

⁃ Were they upset because they were complaining we would have a huge deficit and now the truth comes out?

⁃ Were they embarrassed because their numbers were wrong and their push for a sales tax and parcel tax was unfounded? (Holly Tillman wanted a .5 to 1% sales tax, and Peter Cloven wanted a $400.00 per year parcel tax without even knowing our true income and expenses. Keep in mind, the city checkbook hadn’t been reconciled in 18 months and the numbers Holly and Peter were looking at were over two years old.)

⁃ Was it because they didn’t understand the process or that they knowingly pushed a huge false budget deficit presented to them by past city managers Reina Schwartz and Bret Prebula to justify their support for tax increases.

Let’s not forget, that for their first two years on the city council, they had a voting block (Wolfe, Tillman, and Cloven) to present a realistic budget to the community, but instead they chose to push a false budget deficit in support of their tax and spend agenda.

Last year, Holly Tillman abstained from voting on the budget, partly because she doubted the $35,000 revenue projection from the proposed new master fees. Her skepticism proved unwarranted, as the actual fees generated to date are $49,000, and the fiscal year has not even ended.

Meanwhile, Peter Cloven questioned why Jeff Wan had requested worksheets and supporting data on the budget from Bret Prebula, who presented the budget but refused to provide backup documentation. When Peter Cloven asked why Jeff Wan hadn't asked Reina Schwartz for the backup, Jeff clarified that he had, and Reina supplied the requested information in a timely fashion.

Ultimately, the budget was approved 3-2, with Tillman and Cloven voting against it. Their actions suggest a concerning disregard for state law and one of their core council duties.

As the Clayton community considers future elections, voters should keep this in mind when evaluating the candidates and their commitment to the city's best interests.

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Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Preserving the Small-Town Charm

By Clayton Watch

Our core purpose is preserving the small-town charm we all know and love. But Sacramento has a very different vision, wanting to pave over open spaces and transform every little town into crowded urban centers. They demand we all "do our fair share" to look the same in their eyes.

Some local leaders claimed to oppose this overreach. Yet they avoid concrete actions to push back, like working with groups like Our Neighborhood Voices. Now Clayton scrambles to rezone areas by January 2024, risking more Fulcrum and Olivia-style projects forced on us by officials and allies.

In the past, critical zoning changes happened quietly, officials saying "it'll never actually be built." Until one day, it's unavoidably real and permanent.

We have a strong suggestion: Zone 1,000+ apartments in Clayton Station and the church land next door. Give developers incentives to build there, within city limits and near jobs and shops. Clayton Station is already 25% vacant and for sale. Its parking lot is a mess. With 10-15 story buildings and garages, these ideal spots could meet housing needs for years. Pursue 100% low-income housing here if needed.

Clayton won't satisfy bureaucrats fixated on agendas beyond local control. But we can focus growth responsibly, zoning where building is realistic and cost-effective. That's how you get apartments built - not forcing them into neighborhoods.

Even some locals claim they want "diversity" yet oppose market forces. If you can't afford Clayton, don't worry - they have "crazy ideas" to make it happen.

Housing costs so much simply because far more people want to live here than we have homes. Too many high earners bid up prices over $1 million. Cramming in apartments won't work. We need large builders who can profit.

Let's stop the madness and division. Council, focus on realistic zoning for major apartment projects. That's how to fix this. We're wasting time otherwise.

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Monday, May 27, 2024

The City of Clayton has Finally Turned the Corner - Lack of leadership Was the Problem

By Clayton Watch

The previous city managers, Reina Schwartz and Brett Prebula were simply not up to the task, as reliable confidential sources have informed me.

In case you’re wondering, these sources do not currently work for the City of Clayton nor are they on the City Council.

By all accounts, Reina and Bret created a significant mess at City Hall, failing to provide the professional, competent oversight that a city requires. Additionally, certain council members like Holly Tillman, Peter Cloven, and tabloid newspaper owner Tamara Steiner have also proven themselves ill-equipped to handle the complexities of local governance, repeatedly demonstrating poor judgment and decision-making when discussing staff turnover.

Contrary to the claims made by Council Member Holly Tillman of meddling or harassment from select council members with the staff, the real root of the problem was simply a lack of experience and qualified leadership at the highest levels of Clayton's government.

Study after study has shown that when employees, including those in key administrative roles, do not receive the proper guidance, training and oversight from capable leaders, it inevitably leads to disorganization, inefficiency, job turnover, and the kind of chaos that Clayton residents have endured over the past couple of years.

But now, the tides have turned, as the city has brought aboard a true professional by the name of Adam Politizer, who is poised to right the ship, restore order, and public trust in the management of our community affairs.

With this new leadership in place, Clayton's future is looking brighter than it has in years. The arrival of a new, capable leader in City Hall has been a welcome change for the community, as Adam has managed to accomplish more in just a few short weeks than anyone could have ever imagined.

In contrast, Councilperson Holly Tillman has been stirring up unnecessary drama, falsely claiming that the city staff are overworked and that the council is interfering with their duties. It is evident that the previous issues plaguing the city workforce were not due to being overworked, as Holly Tillman would have the public believe, but rather stemmed from mismanagement.

This has become glaringly obvious in the short time the New Leader/ Interim City Manager Adam Politizer has been in office, as he has already managed to get the city back on the right track. Tillman's attempts to deflect blame and stir up controversy appear to be nothing more than political posturing, likely driven by her own agenda rather than a genuine concern for the wellbeing of city employees and the community.

The community can take comfort in knowing that with competent leadership now in place, the days of mismanagement and inefficiency are swiftly coming to an end. Consolidation is Underway In a move to streamline operations and improve efficiency, our city's new interim City Manager Adam Politizer announced at the recent city council meeting that a consolidation of staff at City Hall was necessary based on the small size and current state of our city. With a relatively small staff of only around 26 employees, the City Manager determined that consolidating certain administrative duties would make far more sense for a city of our size, allowing the city to operate in a more streamlined and cost-effective manner.

By consolidating several positions and leveraging outside expertise where appropriate, the city anticipates savings of approximately $20,000 per year - a significant sum that can be reinvested into other priorities and initiatives that better serve our city.

Overall, this strategic move to eliminate redundant staffing and embrace more efficient service delivery model is a “home run” in my opinion. It is a prudent decision that will reduce operational costs and help improve the city's bottom line without compromising the quality of essential services provided to residents.

With the City of Clayton being 98% built out, I am hopeful that we can do the same with our Community Development Director position. This unnecessary full-time and costly position should be outsourced immediately. The current in-house role simply does not warrant the significant investment required to maintain it as an internal function.

Brighter days are surely ahead, stay tuned. Go get ‘em Adam!

UPDATE. . . It looks like my wish might come true. It appears that the community development director and code enforcement positions will be outsourced. You can check out next week’s council agenda at
2024/060424.pdf. Check out item e. Have a great weekend.

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Saturday, May 18, 2024

Memorial Day Ceremony in Clayton (Starts at 10:00 a.m.)

By Clayton Watch

Please join Lt. Jerry Novakovich Post 1525, Veterans of Foreign Wars and its Auxiliary, for its annual Memorial Day Ceremony beginning at 10:00 a.m. They will be at the Grove in downtown Clayton at 10:00 AM.

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Friday, May 3, 2024

Parking Permit Program – Meeting Recap

By Clayton Watch

The first meeting of the Parking Permit Ad Hoc Committee took place in Stranahan Park on Monday, April 29th at 4 pm. Present were Council Member Jeff Wan, Council Member Holly Tillman, and Chief of Police Richard McEachin, as well as 25 to 30 community residents. During this gathering and relevant discussion, we urged committee members Jeff Wan and Holly Tillman to recap their ideas and our ideas and put the parking permit program on the agenda for consideration and approval as soon as possible.

Background and History: Approval for The Olivia on March Creek, an 81-unit apartment project, was granted by the city council on March 3, 2020, through Resolution No. 7-2020. Misleading information regarding the parking impact was presented to the residents. In response to developers neglecting to provide adequate parking, the concept of implementing a parking permit system for residents and downtown emerged. It is important to highlight that any financial support pledged by the developer to address parking and safety concerns was withdrawn during the concluding negotiations and concessions. Consequently, the responsibility of addressing these issues falls upon us.

General Recap: During the meeting, Jeff clearly stated his opposition to the city funding a parking permit program, emphasizing the achievements of the Regency parking permit program. However, he did express his support for implementing a parking permit program in Stranahan, lower Easley, and downtown. The attendees had many questions and suggestions. They inquired about expenses, how guest permits would be allocated to residents, the enforcement protocol, and the need for significant penalties for violators. The folks present unanimously decided that the city should launch the initiative in Stranahan, lower Easley, and downtown areas, with a strong focus on "Resident Parking Only" and "No Overnight Parking." Jeff projected a completion window of 60 to 90 days for the parking permit program. . . once they get started. A specific timeline for Jeff and Holly to meet was not disclosed nor would he commit to a timeframe. Jeff talked about the expected expenses for implementing the program, which includes staff and administrative costs. However, it seems that these costs are not accurate. Since the existing city staff and legal counsel are already being paid, the development of the program will not incur any additional costs. The main expenses will be for signage and installation. It is important to mention that the city was identified as the cause of the problem and therefore should be made responsible for resolving it.

What Happens Next? Jeff and Holly must convene promptly to present their findings and recommendations to the entire council, who will decide the program's fate.

Anticipated Timing for Implementation of Parking Permit Program? Soon, rather than later.

What Can We Do? Get in touch with the city council members, Jeff and Holly, by giving them a call or sending them an email. You can reach Jeff Wan at 925-673-7323 or email him at For Holly Tillman, dial 925-673-7321 or drop her an email at It's important to let them know it's high time to take proactive measures instead of reactive ones.

Stay Tuned and Informed

For more information and updates on meeting dates, keep in contact with your neighbors. For in-depth details about the Olivia on Marsh Creek project, visit the following websites:

1. The City of Clayton's website provides a comprehensive overview of resolution No. 07-2020, along with the conditions of approval (COA). If you have trouble locating the information, call the city at 925-673-7300

2. Visit to see the full listing of the Olivia project, currently priced at 8.7 million dollars, reduced from 9 million a month ago. The property has been intermittently listed for over four years and does indicate that it is under contract. The entitlements are included in the purchase, and any alterations to the project would require approval from the planning commission.

3. Check out Contra Costa County's website to review permit activity for the Olivia project. Many permits have expired, and a "building permit" has not yet been issued.

Reminder: The Olivia on Marsh Creek monstrosity will not be a 55+ Senior Housing Project. With the estimated rental rate ranging from $3000 to $3500, each household is likely to have a minimum of two cars, along with extra vehicles for teenagers and other family members.

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Friday, April 12, 2024

Clayton Residents – Get the Truth, and Know the Facts!

By Clayton Watch

Regarding staff turnover under City Manager Bret Prebula's leadership, former City Clerk Janet Calderon offered concerning insights during public comments at the March 19th City Council meeting. Calderon resigned after 9 1/2 years due to the "toxic and hostile work environment" at City Hall that she attributed to a "lack of leadership" from the past two city managers. She indicated this was the sole reason for her departure, not any issues with the Clayton community or City Council.

Calderon's revealing statements about the work culture help explain the high staff turnover under Prebula. This likely won't be the last word from her on the matter.
Tamara Steiner and Holly Tillman requested an investigation into the City Council, but their concerns appear unfounded based solely on Janet's isolated comments.

However, broader questions have been raised about Bret's management approach that warrant further examination, such as why he was allowed to bring his full team despite skipping standard hiring protocols like background checks and drug testing.

The California Government Code mandates that cities must publicize job openings at least 10 days before the application deadline, typically by posting on the city website, advertising in local media, or listing on employment sites. However, staff have indicated the city failed to publicize recent openings through any of these required channels, violating state law. The reasons for this apparent disregard of the legal requirements remain unclear.

Additionally, Bret has threatened at public forums that he would leave City Hall if his plans were not implemented verbatim - which seems less like collaborative leadership and more like a coercive ultimatum.

Before dismissing employee complaints, the City Council should investigate the workplace culture Bret has cultivated, including whether it promotes hostility or toxicity. This examination could reveal opportunities to improve leadership, transparency, and accountability.

It’s a known fact. The city manager's primary duty is to carry out the elected officials' policies and oversee daily operations through planning, engineering, public safety, budgeting, and other city departments. In most cases, the city manager also hires key personnel like police and fire chiefs, finance and public works directors, and other department heads.

These employees all report to the city manager, not the city council or mayor. If the council overstepped its bounds, Bret should have promptly raised the issue with the appropriate council members and resolved it immediately. It is healthy for City Council members to know city staff, provided they do not try to direct their work.

The staffing issues at City Hall were caused solely by Bret. Since these matters involve confidential personnel information, the reasons behind the turnover will likely remain unknown. However, given that the staff were under Bret's leadership, it seems clear that he struggled to effectively manage his team.

Additionally, Bret's and Holly's comments about the staff being overworked due to unnecessary demands and requests from the council and public are unfounded. Staff members have informed me that an outside company completed all research and public information requests. I agree, the requests would have been unnecessary had Bret answered our questions when first asked and did not push back, but he chose to dig in.

Research indicates that while most city managers are technically prepared, they lack an understanding of the organization's culture and rarely have detailed strategies for transitioning into the role.

In our view, city managers should spend their first six months learning the city's history and culture rather than immediately instituting changes, which risks failure without established loyalty and trust that require time to develop.

In conclusion, Tamara Steiner, The Clayton Pioneer, and several other individuals seem to be unfairly targeting those with dissenting views without facts. There appears to be no room for balanced discussion, only one-sided arguments.

This black-and-white approach to reporting is problematic, as quality journalism requires factual, unbiased coverage of issues.

After 20-plus years one would think Tamara, and her small group of supporters, would have learned this early on.

The United States is a country founded on free speech. However, the local newspaper should avoid using its platform to unfairly support a particular political party disguised as a nonprofit. The group seems especially upset about Bret Prebula leaving, which raises questions about their motives.

Clayton remains an excellent place to live despite this turmoil. Still, residents deserve transparency about how the conflict started and whether it indicates larger issues at City Hall or with hired management styles.

If we listen, compromise, and refocus on shared goals, Clayton's future can remain bright. The infighting must end. Enough is enough!

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